Who is Zilla Fatu cousin of Roman Reigns, religion, bio, age, father, Twitter

Who is Zilla Fatu cousin of Roman Reigns, religion, bio, age, father, Twitter

Here is all you need to know about Roman Reigns’ cousin Zilla Fatu, find out if he is Christian or Muslim and what is his religion

The drama of The Bloodline enthrals us every week, putting us on the edge of our seats as we anticipate what will happen next. Due to The Bloodline, Roman Reigns is currently the most well-known wrestler in the world.

Who is WWE wrestler Zilla Fatu cousin of Roman Reigns, religion, bio, age, father, Twitter

The Usos are now the best tag team, and Jey Uso is now a main event star as a result. Their younger brother Solo Sikoa, who pays homage to another relative, the late great Umaga, has emerged as an equally powerful and stunning force. They might not even be done. Zilla Fatu, Umaga’s own son, recently entered the scene and made his professional wrestling debut over the weekend.

The notable Booker T trained Zilla Fatu. The WWE Hall of Famer owns Reality of Wrestling, his own wrestling brand, in Houston. There, Fatu played his first match, even using his father’s Samoan spike as a finisher.


Who is Zilla Fatu?

Zilla Fatu, the cousin of the legendary Roman Reigns and the son of WWE icon Umaga, is creating a stir in the wrestling community as he establishes himself in the field. At the Reality of Wrestling Summer of Champions event in 2023, Zilla made an impressive debut. He won the match with a manoeuvre evocative of his late father, Umaga.

Zilla Fatu firmly identifies as an American Samoan and is a member of the prestigious Anoa’i family. The Rock, Peter Maivia, Yokozuna, Umaga, Rikishi, and The Usos are just a few of the legendary wrestlers from this illustrious family.

Recently, Zilla’s spiritual journey has drawn increasing attention, which is noteworthy because it exceeds his wrestling roots. The rising star just underwent a deep religious change after being a devout Christian for years. He converted to Islam as a result.


Why did Zilla Fatu choose Islam?

Zilla Fatu, 27, the son of the late WWE legend Umaga, spoke about his recent conversion to Islam and regarded it as a very significant experience. The fitness and meditation guru publicly adopted Islam on April 3, 2022 by saying the Shahadah, a declaration of one’s commitment to the faith.

Zilla decided to record his spiritual journey in a heartfelt video titled “My Journey to Islam and How I Became a Muslim,” which he posted to his YouTube page. In addition, he discussed the events that led to his discovery of Islam and its tremendous influence on his life in this candid video.

When Zilla was younger, he went through some difficult experiences that ultimately led to him serving six years in the Texas State Penitentiary. His interest in Islam grew as a result of encountering devout Muslim inmates there who genuinely impressed him with their behaviour.

A turning point came during his stay in prison, which inspired him to thoroughly study and research the principles of Islam. He made the life altering choice to fully accept the faith one year ago.
