Where Is John Balcerzak Arresting Officer Of Jeffrey Dahmer Who Let Him Walk Free Now Today In 2022, Milwaukee Police Association President Career, Reddit And Twitter News

Where Is John Balcerzak Arresting Officer Of Jeffrey Dahmer Who Let Him Walk Free Now Today In 2022, Milwaukee Police Association President Career, Reddit And Twitter News

Since the streaming giant Netflix has released their new crime-thriller series based on America’s serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, everyone seems to remember the spine-chilling crime done by him, know about officer John Balcerzak and where is he now today

Jeffrey Dahmer had killed and dismembered 17 innocent male’s including the teenager’s before his final arrest in July 1991.

Though we all know that Jeffrey was apprehended, people often get confused that John Balcerzak was the officer who took Jeffrey into custody.

Know Where Is John Balcerzak Arresting Officer Of Jeffrey Dahmer Who Let Him Walk Free Now Today In 2022, Milwaukee Police Association President Career, Reddit And Twitter News

TIL that John Balcerzak, a police officer who found the escaped 14 year old victim of Jeffrey Dahmer naked, drugged, and bleeding from his rectum, returned the boy to Dahmer to be murdered. He then served as president of the Milwaukee Police Association from 2005-2009. from todayilearned

On the other hand, John was a controversial officer who let the drugged teen, Konerak Sinthasomphone, back into Jeffrey’s apartment.

Today we’re going to discuss all about the controversial officer John Balcerzak who had an opportunity to take down the serial killer yet he didn’t.

John, who hails from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is a former police officer, who played a controversial role in Jeffrey Dahmer’s case. John had an opportunity and he could have done everything to take down the serial killer.

However, due to his lack of approach, Jeffrey continued to commit 5 more murders before he was finally apprehended in July 1991.

One of Jeffrey’s neighbors, Glenda Cleveland made endless calls to police to report about Jeffrey’s acts but nobody listened to her.

However after several calls were made by Glenda, John Balcerzak was one of the 3 police officers, who let a 14-year-old teen become another victim of the Milwaukee Cannibal.


John along with his 2 other fellow officers, Richard Porubcan and Joseph T. Gabrish came to Jeffrey’s apartment.

Although, he literally failed to do everything from failing to check Dahmer’s identity, to conducting further investigation, to rescuing a bleeding Konerak, he couldn’t do anything as per his oath as a police officer.

Following the arrest of Jeffrey, a controversial audiotape surfaced, in which John and another officer-on-scene, Gabrish, came to the spotlight.

In the audio tape, it can be heard that, the two were seen cracking jokes about “reuniting the lovers” and making homophobic comments on their dispatcher.

Due to their gross negligence, John Balcerzak and his 2 other fellow officers, Joseph T. Gabrish, Richard Porubcan were named as “Dahmer Cops” by several outlets.

The more shocking news is that although John was fired, he was reinstated in 1994. Despite his gross negligence in the case, he enjoyed a long career with Wisconsin law enforcement.

Not just this, he even served as the president of the Milwaukee Police Association from 2005 to 2009. John retired in 2017.

Gelnda was the first person to expose Jeffrey’s horrendous crime. In Netflix’s series, “Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story,” Glenda hears some weird noises from the vent and asks Jeffrey, “I saw you go out in the dumpster and dump a whole bunch of bad meat, so the smell should be gone by now.”

To which Jeffrey responds, “Mm. Oh. I forgot, my tropical fish died, they got this disease, it’s called ich.” At the moment, Glenda senses something fishy.

Back in May 1991, Dahmer found a 14-year-old, Konerak Sinthasomphone and he lured him into his apartment, where he drugged him and performed oral sex with him.

The 14-year-old somehow managed to escape from Dahmer’s apartment naked, bruised, and bleeding from his buttocks. He was noticed by 3 women, Sandra Smith, Tina Spivey and Nicole Childress.


After noticing Konerak, Nicole’s aunt, Glenda, made several calls to the police while narrating the incident, but the cops termed this as a “domestic dispute” between two lovers.

They didn’t even bother to check whether Konerak is alright let alone checking his identity or carrying out an investigation on Jeffrey. John was the official who was connected to Cleveland and he dismissed her concerns

As a result, Konerak was handed over to the Milwaukee Cannibal, who later who later murdered him, performed oral sex on his corpse and dismembered him.

Following Konerak’s murder, Jeffrey continued to murder 4 more victims in the same apartment before he was finally arrested by the police officer named Robert Rauth and Rolf Mueller.

Jeffrey Dahmer was sentenced to a 16th term of life imprisonment. By then, the sex offender and cannibal had already dismembered and killed 17 victim’s.

Following the arrest of Dahmer, an investigation was carried out, in which police recorded over 60 hours of audio wherein Jeffrey described how he ate his victims.

In one of the audio tapes which later surfaced, the Cannibal was heard saying, “Once I fried the biceps of a man in oil, I used a meat tenderizer and ate the muscle because it was big and I wanted to try it. It tasted like beef.”

As for John Balcerzak, he and his fellow officers were as guilty as Jeffrey because their gross negligence led to killing not only 14-year-old but 4 more victims.

However they didn’t shift from their stand, as in an interview, John mentioned that, “Jeffrey was calm and cooperative when they confronted him about the boy.”

But nobody answered him why they didn’t take into consideration calls made by Cleveland and why they didn’t talk to Konerak or did any Investigation, why they brought Konerak back to Jeffrey’s apartment.

However, in an interview, Balcerzak revealed that, “he felt he had more evidence. She wasn’t actually there. I felt that my firsthand knowledge was more informative than what she had heard from someone else.”


Later he was even elected as the president of the Milwaukee Police Association in May 2005. He cherished a long-standing police career despite his negligent duty and negligent behaviour.

As per several reports, John Balderzak still resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and owns a tavern. What do you think, does he deserve to be the President of the Police Association or even reinstated?

ALSO READ: How Many People Did Jeffrey Dahmer Kill, Victims Names And Photos List And Timeline

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