Sanket Mahadev Sargar has recently been in the news after he won the silver medal in weightlifting at CWG 2022 despite an injury with the video viral
Sanket Mahadev Sargar, an Indian weightlifter, earned silver in the men’s 55 kg category on Day 2 of CWG 2022 on Saturday, earning India its first medal at the Commonwealth Games 2022 in Birmingham. His total lift was 248 kg (113 + 135).
Weightlifter Sanket Mahadev Sargar Clinches Silver Medal For India In Weightlifting At CWG 2022 Despite Injury, Video Goes Viral
India opens it medal tally with a silver — courtesy weightlifter Sanket Mahadev Sargar. #BirminghamCommonwealthGames
— Bhavya Chand (@bhavya_journo) July 30, 2022
#SanketMahadev #CommonwealthGames me #weightlifting 1st attempt me 135kg clean & Jerk successful attempt.#CleanandJerk #55kg #SanketSargar #Cheers4TeamIndia
— आशीष मित्तल (@modibhakt_aashu) July 30, 2022
Sanket had a certain amount of heartbreak since he was on track to win the competition but was pushed back by an unfortunate injury he sustained during his second try of the clean and jerk round while aiming for 139 kg.
To everyone’s amazement, in his final clean and jerk attempt, the 21-year-old Indian did attempt to lift 139 kg again, but his right elbow was in no condition to support the load.
Since then, lots of people are talking about this match as it proves to be a roller-coaster of emotions not only for Sanket but also for the spectators who are watching the match. So, let’s find out what exactly happened at the match:
A Favourable Snatch Part That Put Sanket Mahadev Sargar In A Favourable Position
In the snatch part of the competition, Sargar started out in the first hall of the National Exhibition Centre with a 107kg lift. He then increased that with a 111kg lift and finished with a 113kg lift, which gave him a six kg lead at the conclusion of snatch lifts and put him in a favourable position.
The Clean & Jerk Round Comes Up With An Elbow Injury
Aniq and Yodage both had successful lifts of 138 kg and 120 kg in the clean & jerk round, while Sanket started with a successful lift of 135 kg.
Sanket, however, suffered a right elbow injury while attempting to lift 139 kg. He attempted to perform a successful lift on his third effort, amid the cheers of the crowd, but he winced in agony and failed.
The Heart-Breaking But Surely Thrilling Finale For Sanket Mahadev Sargar
Aniq’s second effort at lifting 142 kg failed, providing an exciting conclusion to the competition. But on his third and final effort, he was able to lift 142 kg, breaking the previous record established in the round and winning the gold medal while displacing Sargar to second place on the table by barely one kilogram.
Dilanka Isuru Kumara Yodage of Sri Lanka won bronze with a 225 kg (105 + 120) total lift.
After winning gold in the Commonwealth Weightlifting Championships in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in December of the previous year, Sanket was one of the favorite contenders for the podium’s highest place. However, whatever he achieved is surely worthy.