Javelin Thrower Neeraj Chopra Diet Plan, Fitness Regime Routine Secrets, Excercises, Training Video

Javelin Thrower Neeraj Chopra Diet Plan, Fitness Regime Routine Secrets, Excercises, Training Video

The reasons behind the excellent fitness of Neeraj Chopra are his diet, fitness routine and training. Because of them, he has become a successful athlete.

India’s star athlete Neeraj Chopra, an Olympic gold champion, won silver at the 2022 World Athletics Championship. Since he won the gold medal in the Tokyo Games, he has become the centre of all attention.

Javelin Throw Neeraj Chopra Diet Plan, Fitness Regime Routine Secrets, Excercises, Training Video


Chopra was frequently requested to participate in numerous programs and ceremonial events after making history in the Olympics and now this win further escalates these things. He joined in on what seemed like endless celebrations, and his athletic status further elevated to the celebrity one.

However, one thing that is a prominent talk of the town is the reason behind perfect-looking fitness. Many people are interested in learning about his diet, the type of exercise he underwent, and many other things. So, let’s find out more about them:


Diet Plan Of Neeraj Chopra

The initial main goals of Team Chopra were to reduce body weight while also enhancing joint strength and flexibility. His diet has altered thanks to the efforts of his staff.

Sugar was immediately eliminated from the diet in order to lose weight. No refined sugar, no added sugar to beverages, and no coffee. Food-derived sugar was OK.

During those four to five weeks, he ate fewer carbohydrates and more protein. The primary sources of protein were chicken, salmon, eggs, and a lot of salad. A protein supplement is only a supplement. There were potatoes for carbohydrates.

He said that he eats chicken, eggs, salad, fruit, bread omelette in his diet and at the same time, during the competition, Neeraj only takes chicken breasts, eggs, salmon, fresh fruit juice.

Exercises That Are Done By Neeraj Chopra

He started by going around the 400-meter track two to three times. Chopra shed 2 kg in roughly two weeks. He started getting thinner after starting strength exercises.  He, therefore, continued to extend the length of his runs to 5000 km.


Chopra soon began to perform the Tabata circuit every other day. A 20-second period of intense activity is followed by a 10 to 15-second period of rest in the app-assisted regimen. He performed three sets of the 10 exercises in one circuit. Chopra also likes using the Tabata circuit since it strengthens the abs and core.

The following stage entailed weight training. He performed weighted lunges, squats, snatches, and other cardiovascular exercises.

Midway through January, Chopra began throwing balls. He would stand on the grass and occasionally throw a javelin for practice. He went to the runway after that. But once Chopra relocated to the Gloria Sports Arena in Antalya, Turkey, the significant tossing started.

Other Important Parts Of His Routine

After a particularly challenging workout, Chopra maintains himself healthy and rested with ice baths, contrast baths (in warm and cold water), deep tissue release, and a good night’s sleep. If Chopra doesn’t get enough sleep, all recuperation strategies might be for nought. It’s beneficial for him that he sleeps well.


Neeraj Chopra’s approach to training contributes to maintaining all the joints supple and powerful. He doesn’t put things off.

After the operation, Chopra decided to cease torturing his body whenever he experienced pain or discomfort. He couldn’t risk another injury after being sidelined for a year.

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