Overwatch 2 Watchpoint Pack Price And Legendary Skins List

Overwatch 2 Watchpoint Pack Price And Legendary Skins List

Blizzard has released a Watchpoint Pack on Overwatch 2 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, which includes some OW2 legendary skins as well as a slew of other goodies

June has been an eventful month for OW2. We got our first look at Junker Queen, the series’ 34th hero, at the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase, and we also heard that a free-to-play early release build of the PvP will premiere on October 4th.

If you’d rather play on June 28th rather than wait until October, the Watchpoint Pack is the way to go.

Overwatch 2 Watchpoint Pack Price And Legendary Skins Full List


The Overwatch 2 Watchpoint Package costs £34.99 on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and PC.

The OW2 package can be purchased through the PSN, Microsoft, or Battle.net stores for the same price on all three systems. One of the most tempting features is that you’ll have access to a second beta right away.


The second demonstration is set to begin on June 28th. It’s available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, and you can sign up without having to buy a bundle. However, unlike purchasing the WP, joining up does not guarantee entry.

The Overwatch 2 Watchpoint Package includes two legendary hero skins in addition to quick access to the second demo:

  • Space Raider Soldier 76
  • Space Raider Cassidy

It also includes 2,000 OW2 Virtual Currency as well as a distinctive player emblem. Finally, you will receive an OW1 Legendary edition, which contains the following items:

  • Five legendary skins
  • Five epic skins

Overwatch’s popularity has dwindled in recent months, owing in part to its developer and the fact that, shortly after Overwatch 2 was revealed, content updates to Overwatch Prime dropped off a cliff.

The game’s most current playable hero, Echo, debuted in 2020, and Kanezaka, the game’s most recent map. Debuted in January 2021. There hasn’t been anything meatier than “just hold on, OW2 is coming” for 17 months, except for new skins, little challenge events that let players unlock cosmetics, and the same revolving cast of seasonal events (a la Lcioball).

The devs are aware of this, and during the Overwatch 2 launch trailer, game director Aaron Keller told fans that the days of wondering “when will my Overwatch content return from the war” are past.

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