Who is Nael M shot dead by French Police in Paris, full name, bio, age, nationality, religion

Who is Nael M shot dead by French Police in Paris, full name, bio, age, nationality, religion

The simmering tension in Paris reached a boiling pint following the death of a teenager, Nael M, who was shot by a police officer, know his full name

This tragic incident on June 28, 2023, has sparked widespread riots across the French capital and raised major concerns about police conduct.

Who is Nael M shot dead by French Police in France, Paris, full name, bio, age, nationality, religion

Nael M is being referred to by the first initial of his surname with his full name not known. He was a French-African Muslim.

He worked as a delivery driver and lived in the Nanterre neighbourhood, in the western suburbs of Paris.

Tragic circumstances: The fate of teenager Nael M

Nael M, a 17-year-old French-Algerian, was living in the Nanterre neighbourhood, located in the western suburbs of Paris, working as a delivery driver. His life took a tragic turn when he was pulled over in his Mercedes rental in Nanterre for allegedly breaking several road rules.


The police report states that Nael M failed to comply with an officer’s commands, which led to a fatal escalation. It was during this confrontation that Nael was shot as he attempted to drive away. A video circulating on social media, authenticated by the French news agency AFP, shows the harrowing final moments. It depicts two police officers attempting to stop Nael’s vehicle, with one officer firing at close range when Nael seemingly ignored him and continued driving.

Nael M’s death at the hands of the police officer, who has since been detained on suspicion of manslaughter, resulted in widespread outrage and rioting. The riots led to 31 arrests, with 25 police officers injured and 40 cars burned down.

High level outrage and calls for justice for Nael M

His mother, requesting anonymity, expressed her anguish, saying, “I lost a 17-year-old, I was alone with him, and they took my baby away from me.” She added, “He was still a child, he needed his mother.”


The tragic incident has also attracted the attention and condemnation of top French officials and personalities. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin declared the incident and video as “extremely shocking” urging “for calm and truth”.

French footballer, Kylian Mpabbe, tweeted his dismay at Nael M incident: “I hurt for my France. Unacceptable situation. All my thoughts go to the family and loved ones of Nael, this little angel gone much too soon.”


French President adds to the incident

President Emmanuel Macron added his voice to the chorus of those demanding justice, stating that the shooting was “inexplicable” and “unforgivable”.

As the investigations into the shooting of Nael M continue, his death has not only inflamed Paris but also sparked a heated debate about police conduct in France. Amid the shock and grief, the quest for justice for Nael M gains momentum, reflecting a broader global struggle against police violence.

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