Who is Jamie fiance of Post Malone, her kind, Instagram and pics

Who is Jamie fiance of Post Malone, her kind, Instagram and pics

Post Malone surprised his followers when he announced earlier that he and his then-girlfriend were expecting their first child together, know who is his fiance Jamie and her Instagram

The 27-year-old rapper-singer has succeeded in keeping his relationship with his now-fiance very quiet and out of the public eye since the birth of his daughter.

Who is Jamie fiance of Post Malone, her kind, Instagram and pictures

Post Malone fans, also known as Post Malonenials, have been following the mystery fiancée on social media even though the wider public may not be aware of her identity. As of the time of writing, fans have only named Jamie as the mysterious woman. Jamie and Post were first seen together in an airport in October 2020, after Post ran into some admirers. Fans then reposted a picture of the couple window shopping in Los Angeles in January 2021.

Pictures of Post and Jamie then began to appear irregularly on social media. The couple was captured in one picture attending the cousin’s wedding of the Twelve Carat Toothache inventor. Unfortunately, Jamie closed her Instagram account after receiving a lot of criticism from individuals who didn’t want to see Post Malone happy and booed up, as several of the singer’s fans pointed out. As a result, Post’s particular woman will continue to be a mystery for the time being.

Jamie Spotted With Post At The Wedding And Magic Cards Event 

Post and Jamie were pictured together on two significant occasions in the rapper’s life, indicating that their relationship was serious with them spotted at Post’s cousin’s wedding in New York in August 2021 and a Magic: The Gathering Card event in Phoenix in October 2021, respectively. The latter image was Jamie’s final post on social media before she entirely logged off.

Post Announced The News Of Expecting The Baby 

Post announced that he and his then-girlfriend Jamie are having a child in May of last year. “I’m looking forward to the next stage of my life.”

Post Announced He Is Engaged And A New Father 

Post quietly disclosed on Howard Stern’s Sirius XM radio show a month later (in June of this year) that he is the new father of a newborn girl and that he is engaged to his now-fiancée Jamie. Before entering the studio, the “Rockstar” musician claimed to have “kissed” his “baby girl.”


Post would subsequently reveal that they are engaged by saying to Howard that he was speaking of his “daughter” and not his girlfriend.

History of Post Malone’s Relationships

Post had dated Korean visual artist and singer MLMA (Me Love Me A Lot) for a brief while in 2020 before settling down with Jamie, albeit his fiancé’s identity is still unknown. He was previously in a three-year relationship with Ashlen Diaz, which ended in November 2018.


Post Malone Describes Enjoying Fatherhood With Blowouts And All

Post has accepted fatherhood and all of its responsibilities since the birth of his daughter, even the inevitable poop blowouts.


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