Who is Dr Ramesh Babu Peramsetty as Indian origin doctor is shot dead in Tuscaloosa, USA, biography, age, family and education

Who is Dr Ramesh Babu Peramsetty as Indian origin doctor is shot dead in Tuscaloosa, USA, biography, age, family and education

With 38 years of expertise, age 63 Dr Ramesh Babu Peramsetty was a graduate of the Sri Venkateswara Medical College and the Medical College of Wisconsin.

Dr. Ramesh Babu Peramsetty, 63, an Indian-origin physician, was reportedly shot and killed on Friday, August 23, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. As of now, the details of the person behind the incident are not known.

Who is Dr Ramesh Babu Peramsetty as Indian origin doctor is shot dead in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA, biography, age, family and education

Originating from the Tirupati area of Andhra Pradesh, age 63 Dr. Ramesh Babu Peramsetty was a renowned physician who oversaw several hospitals in the United States. He is survived by his wife, two sons, and two daughters.

He served as the medical director and one of the founders of a group of nearby physicians who were affiliated with the Crimson network.


The Crimson Care team sent a statement on Facebook expressing their sympathies and asking for Dr. Peramsetty’s family’s privacy during their time of loss.

The team has asked people to remember the Peramsetty family and the team at Crimson Care Network in their thoughts and prayers. They will be making more announcements in the next few days and they are still determined to respect Dr. Peramsetty’s lasting legacy. The team added, “Please rest assured that our clinics will continue to operate without interruption, providing our community with continued care throughout this transition.

While the community grieves the passing of a cherished physician, many who knew him are still motivated by his contributions to medicine and philanthropy. As they work through this difficult period, more remarks from the Crimson Care Network are anticipated in the days to come.

Dr. Ramesh Babu Peramsetty career and education

Dr. Peramsetty was a student at the Sri Venkateswara Medical College in 1986 and the Medical College of Wisconsin. He had worked in the medical industry for 38 years.


His medical practice extended beyond Tuscaloosa and he was the founder and medical director of the Crimson Care Network, a prominent group of local medical professionals.

His notable contributions to the field of medicine gained him acclaim, including having a Tuscaloosa street named in his honour. He was a specialist in family medicine and emergency medicine. He was recognized for his achievements and continued to play a significant part during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ramesh Babu was also well-known for his charitable endeavours, which included gifts to his old Andhra Pradesh school and money given to build a Sai temple in his hometown.


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