What Are the Categories of Gamers and Their Characteristics

What Are the Categories of Gamers and Their Characteristics

Learn some of the most common types of gamers, how they behave, and the categories you should never strive to become for your well-being and sanity

Discovering the Most Common Types of Gamers

Did you know that gambling is a global phenomenon that attracts more than 3 billion gamers from different parts of the globe? This raises a pertinent question as to whether all gamers are the same or different. It is fascinating to learn that each gamer who visits the ICE Casino may come from other countries or have diverse backgrounds. It is, therefore, safe to say that different gamers usually have different characteristics. Today, we want to explore some of the most common types of gamers, and maybe you can identify the one that describes you the most.

Casual Players

A casual gamer is one who has high self-esteem and low impulsivity. They play games as a hobby and also enjoy other interests and activities. For them, playing games does not satisfy a basic need, and they never feel compelled to play a game in a bid to feel a sense of achievement or escape.

Social Players

Just like the casual gamers, these are individuals who also have low impulsivity. However, experts claim that people in this category have relatively low levels of self-esteem. They have a blast creating virtual characters and you will most likely find them obsessing over titles with role-playing opportunities. They majorly engage in gaming for the social experience.

Mobile Players

It comes as no surprise that mobile players exist seeing that the use of cell phones is quite popular across the globe. These are people who prefer to use their smartphones to play games rather than playing on a PC or having a console. They can play anytime, regardless of location, because they have access to their favorite titles. It can often lead to problematic gaming, especially for those who cannot control their habits. Nonetheless, most of these people enjoy the convenience and accessibility that gaming on the go offers without adverse consequences.


High Achievers

These are gamers who are known to have high-esteem and high impulsivity. They are not interested in socializing, role playing, or escaping life issues. Their main aim when playing any game is to excel and be the best. Because they are highly impulsive, they may at times lack self-control and have a problem resisting the immediate gratification that playing provides. They generally want to master the game and not boost their self-worth during the gaming sessions.


You may have noticed that we keep mentioning escaping when describing the above type of players. It is because there are gamers who are referred to as escapers. These are the ones who will engage in immersive gameplay:

  • A type of coping mechanism to relieve any negative moods they may have;
  • An escape from real-life problems.

Most also suffer from low self-esteem; thus, they never worry too much about succeeding in the game. There is a high possibility that their behavior stems from traumatic life events or underlying mental health conditions.


Hardcore Players

These are gamers who are a perfect mix of achievers and escapers. Their main motivation for playing games is escapism and achievement. Role-playing is, however, an important part of the activity. They usually have high impulsiveness and high esteem which may affect self-control and their decision-making process. You will find them most of the time defining themselves through reputation and gaming life. Their sense of self is often boosted by the status and achievements they make in the virtual world.

Heavy Players

Also known as at-risk gamers, these are gamers who will spend most of their time playing games. They can engage in leisure gaming without experiencing negative consequences, and they are still able to manage responsibilities such as work demands, school assignments, and family commitments. Many of them also have other interests and hobbies that they engage in. Some may want to play more, and being moody and irritable when they canโ€™t play is common. They often feel like they are not reaching their full potential, but as long as they keep their gaming in control, it will not become problematic. Some of these gamers may end up in the problematic players category.

Problematic Players

These are the players that no one should aspire to be. It is because they experience many negative consequences associated with gaming habits. You may find that they only want to engage in gaming and neglect every other aspect of their lives, including school, work, and family. A majority will not even eat well or shower because all they want to do is play some more. They become addicted, and the negative consequences they experience do not compel them to take a break from gaming.

Gaming Should Be Fun

With the above knowledge of the types of gamers, which one do you identify with? It is important to mention that you should be careful not to become a problematic gamer. If you identify as one, kindly seek help as soon as possible because gaming should be fun without negative consequences.


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