Watch Ajit Panwar Beaten By Hyundai Sohna Road Gurgaon Employees, Justice For Ajit Trends On Twitter

Watch Ajit Panwar Beaten By Hyundai Sohna Road Gurgaon Employees, Justice For Ajit Trends On Twitter

Justice for Ajit has been trending on Twitter after videos went viral of Hyundai JMV beating him after he went to get his Creta serviced

Hyundai needs to seriously start reconsidering its hiring strategy. The company which sells a gargantuan amount of cars in the country has over the course of the last year gone onto indulge in scores of shenanigans, ones where not only the country is mocked but the customers are downtrodden upon as well.

Justice For Ajit Trends After Ajit Panwar Is Beaten At Hyundai JMV Dealership


Just when the fire had cooled over Hyundai India blocking Indians on Twitter after they raised their voice against the propaganda by Hyundai Pakistan with it asking for Kashmir to be annexed from India, the company finds itself embroiled in another controversy. Over the last couple of days, a video has gone viral of Ajit Panwar, a customer of the Hyundai Creta SUV being beaten at Hyundai JMV, a dealership of the company in Sohna Road, Gurgaon.


Video footage shows Ajit being beaten after he took his car to be services with Justice for Ajit subsequently setting Twitter alight as the unsavoury visuals went viral. While Hyundai has since gone onto sack the concerned employees and hoodlums over their deranged actions, it wasn’t until the widespread public outrage. Pawar’s mobile was broken by employees of the company as well during the brawl.

Hyundai was also the only company which refused to answer why it had decided to sponsor the impending FIFA 22 World Cup despite the well documented human rights violations in Saudi Arabia. A company which is slowly waning as the rot of leftists takes over it.

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