The Queen’s Scepter, Orb And Imperial State Crown, Net Worth, Value, Jewels And Pearls

The Queen’s Scepter, Orb And Imperial State Crown, Net Worth, Value, Jewels And Pearls

On Monday, September 19, Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral was held at Westminster Abbey, know the net worth of the Queen’s scepter, orb and crown

All eyes were on the Royal Family as they walked into the church to honour the late monarch. As the procession went to the Abbey, the Queen’s coffin was decorated with the Crown Jewels, her orb, and her sceptre.

As people look at the jewels, you may want to know how much the sceptre and the jewels on Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin are worth.

The Queen’s Scepter, Orb And Imperial State Crown, Net Worth, Value, Jewels, Pearls

How Much Is The Sceptre Of The Queen Worth?

It’s not a surprise that the Queen’s sceptre is worth a lot of money. The rod is made of 333 diamonds, 31 rubies, 15 emeralds, 7 sapphires, and many other precious stones. It weighs three pounds.

But the Cullinan I, also called the Great Star of Africa is the most important gem shown. It is one of a set of gems made from the original Cullinan I diamond, which was found in South Africa in 1905 and weighed 3,106 carats. Cullinan II, the second largest stone from the set, is set in the Imperial State Crown, which can also be seen on the Queen’s coffin.

Given that the Cullinan I diamond alone is estimated to be worth $400 million, the sceptre’s other hundreds of diamonds, rubies, and other gemstones add millions more to its value.


What Is The Importance Of The Queen’s Orb And Queen’s Sceptre To The Royal Family?

Britannica says that a Royal Sceptre is a rod that a ruler carries as a sign of power and authority. Since 1661, every time a new king or queen was crowned, that sceptre was used. It was made so that King Charles II could be crowned.

In 1910, King George V, who was Elizabeth II’s grandfather, added the Cullinan I diamond to the sceptre.

The sceptre shows that the crown is in charge, while the orb shows that the Queen’s power comes from God. This is called “Divine Right.” It is a traditional part of the king’s coronation dress. Both the sceptre and the Queen’s orb were made in 1661.


How Much Is The Queen’s Crown Worth?

Since the Cullinan I diamond is on the sceptre. You might want to know how much the Cullinan II diamond on the crown is worth.

The crown that the Queen wears was made for King George VI’s coronation in 1937. This crown took the place of the one made in 1838 for Queen Victoria.


Jewelers say the crown of Queen Elizabeth II is worth between $3.4 billion and $5.7 billion. So, even though the orb and sceptre are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, they aren’t nearly as valuable as the Queen’s crown.

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