Real Life WWE Fights: Biggest WWE Superstars Squabbles And Backstage Fights

Real Life WWE Fights: Biggest WWE Superstars Squabbles And Backstage Fights

A number of WWE stars have been caught fighting with each other outside the ring in real life numerous times. A look at the real life WWE fights ranked.

Out of all the real-life fights among the WWE players outside the ring mostly the players have tried their level best to bury the issues as soon as possible. On the contrary, there have been numerous players who still like criticizing their colleagues in front of the media.

The purpose behind their criticism seems clear that they want to defame their opponents in some or other ways. For fans, each player is a delight to be watched despite the biggest real-life fights among WWE wrestlers.

Real Life WWE Fights

1. Hurricane Helms VS Buff Bagwell

Buff during those days was the most shining WWE star whereas Helms was still struggling. Buff once punched Hurricane Helms that injured his ear whereas in return Helms threw a bottle on Buff. The bottle was thrown in a quite forceful manner that resulted in the cracking of Buffโ€™s head. It is considered among the biggest among WWE wrestlers.


2. Booker T VS Batista

Each WWE fan knows Booker and Batista for their amazing performance. Both players were on quite good terms till the 2000s but suddenly in the year 2006, a heated argument between these two turned into an ugly one. During that argument, they badly abused each other as well as scratched each otherโ€™s faces and upper bodies.

3. The Great Khali VS Big Show

The Great Khali and Big Show were friendly with each other during their initial career days but Big Show, later on, accused Khali of stealing his signature move. For which Khali criticized Big Show a lot and didnโ€™t seem happy with his allegation. These two met with a fight backstage right after a WWE match.

4. Chris Jericho VS Goldberg

The heated moment between Goldberg and Chris took place in the year 2003 during a raw episode. Chris seemed upset with Goldberg because of his criticizing attitude towards his in-ring work. This fight began verbally but soon these both wrestlers started physically abusing each other.


5. Vince McMahon VS Kofi Kingston

Vince told Kofi after one fight that soon his WWE career is going to be over. Kofi didnโ€™t take this statement sarcastically and these two started their fight verbally but ended up in a physical way.

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