Important Days And Dates In July National And International 2022 List

Important Days And Dates In July National And International 2022 List

There are a number of Important Days And Dates in July 2022, we have enlisted almost all of them in the article below, know the full list

The seventh month of the year 2022, which is July, is home to a few significant national and international holidays, including World Population Day, National Doctors Day, World UFO Day, and several others. Here are the important days and dates of the month below.

Important Days And Dates In July National And International 2022 Full List

  1. July 1: National Doctor’s Day

The first day of the seventh month of the calendar is considered as National Doctors Day to recognize the nation’s medical professionals and to honor their care for the nation’s patients they treat. In commemoration of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, who is a renowned doctor and the second chief minister of West Bengal, this day is celebrated. The Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian accolade, was also given to him for his work. The Indian government first observed it in the year 1961.

  1. July 2: World UFO Day

The phrase “World UFO Day” was initially adopted in the 1950s by Mr.Edward J. Ruppelt, who was a United States Air Force officer, replacing the words that were often used to explain unknown aerial objects at the time. This day is significant because it brings together UFO enthusiasts and spreads awareness about UFOs.

  1. July 2: World Sports Journalist Day

In order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the International Sports Press Association’s (AIPS) founding, World Journalist Day was originally established in the year 1994. The purpose of this day was to inspire sports journalists to strive for excellence in their work and to serve as role models for people all over the world, not just in the sports community.

  1. International Day of Cooperation on the first Saturday in July

Since year 2005, the first Saturday in July has been recognized as the International Day of Cooperatives. This day is intended to raise awareness of the cooperatives, highlight the movement’s achievements, and advance all its principles of global peace, equality, and economic efficiency.

5. July 4: American Independence Day


This day is being celebrated since 1941, the United States has recognized July 4th as its federal holiday in observance of American Independence Day. The federal holiday will be commemorated on July 5th, Monday, as the Fourth of July in the year 2022 falls on a Sunday.

6. July 6: World Zoonoses Day

Since year 1885, July 6th has been considered globally World Zoonoses Day. This day is marked to increase public awareness of zoonotic illnesses. Greek is the origin of the phrase “zoonoses,” where zoon is the word for animal and noses is the word for illness.

7. July 11: World Population Day

Every year on 11th of July, World Population Day is commemorated with the goal of educating the public about concerns related to population growth and reproductive health. The Governing Council of the United Nations Development Program, the New York, initially declared the day in 1989.

  1. July 12: World Malala Day

Globe Malala Day is considered annually on July 12th in the honor of Malala Yousafzai and the challenges she overcame while setting an example for the entire world. Malala Yousafzai, who was a 16-year-old girl of Pakistani descent, delivered her well-known speech before the UN on this day advocating for girls’ education. Malala celebrated her birthday on July 12th, which was later designated as “Malala Day” by the UN.

  1. July 17: The World Day for International Justice

World Day for the International Justice, also known as International Criminal Justice Day or International Justice Day, is observed every year on July 17th. The purpose of the holiday is to just raise awareness of the developing a system of international criminal justice. Additionally, this day is celebrated for the signing of the agreement that established the International Criminal Court.

  1. July 18: Nelson Mandela International Day

In remembrance of Nelson Mandela’s birth date, July 18th is annually honored as Nelson Mandela International Day. The first UN Mandela Day was observed on July 18th, 2010, after the holiday’s inception in November in year 2009.

  1. July 28: World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day is observed annually on July 28th which increased public awareness of the hepatitis virus and encourages vaccination against the diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) made it a holiday in year 2008. Prior to 2010, it was set to be observed on May 19th, but the World Health Assembly chose to honor the life of American doctor Baruch Samuel Blumberg, who discovered hepatitis B, by moving the celebration to July 28th.

    12.  July 29: The International Tiger Day

The concept of International Tiger Day, which is celebrated on July 29th is to promote tiger conservation. It was initially introduced in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit. The primary goals of the day are to increase public support for tiger conservation efforts and to spread awareness of the need to maintain tigers’ natural habitats.


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