“If you are intelligent, you understand,” Zlatan Ibrahimovic Reopens Feud With LeBron James With Comments On Politics And Sports

“If you are intelligent, you understand,” Zlatan Ibrahimovic Reopens Feud With LeBron James With Comments On Politics And Sports

Zlatan Ibrahimovic has made fresh comments on if sports and politics should be mixed with him once again hitting out at LeBron James

Back in February of this year, Zlatan Ibrahimovic had hit out at Los Angeles Lakers’ LeBron James persistent public comments on politics in the US. The AC Milan striker had gone onto talk about how LeBron needed to sticking to playing sports and not using his global stature to make political comments.

LeBron being the man that he is had retorted that Zlatan had done the same things back in 2018. LeBron had gone onto add that he spoke with a very educated mind, one which went through the nuances of politics before commenting on them.


Zlatan Ibrahimovic Makes Fresh Comments On LeBron James

Just when it looked like the brawl between the two had died down as both refrained from commenting on each other further, Zlatan has once again reopened the tiff. Recently asked if he stood with his stance on LeBron and mixing sports and politics, the Swedish striker went onto throw weight behind his February comments.


“Politics divides people. Football, in my world, unites people. If I wanted to be a politician, I would do politics. We should only do what we’re good at. Sports and politics are two different categories. If you are intelligent, you understand,” Zlatan said when asked to comment on LeBron.

While using a public platform to make a statement about an issue you resonate with isn’t something of massive concern, it does make for appalling viewing when you use your stature to only peddle your narrative. And its something LeBron has been too eager to indulge in with him having gone awfully quiet ever since the regime has changed in USA despite the horrendous ongoing COVID mismanagement and Afghanistan-Taliban crisis.

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