How many victims has the Lady Bird Lake Austin serial killer killed, deaths and Reddit theories

How many victims has the Lady Bird Lake Austin serial killer killed, deaths and Reddit theories

When eight dead bodies were found in or near Lady Bird Lake in Texas, the people in the area and the authorities and Reddit began looking for who the serial killer is as his victims count increases

John Christopher Hays-Clark, 30, whose body was pulled from the lake on April 15, was the last person to be found dead.

Even though the police have said there was no foul play and haven’t found any proof of a serial killer, many people in the area are afraid that someone is out there killing people.

How many victims has the Lady Bird Lake Austin TX serial killer killed, deaths and Reddit theories

Comparisons to the “Smiley Face Murders” theory have added to the rumours. This theory says that there is a link between the deaths of young men in the late 1990s and early 2010s whose bodies were found near bodies of water and smiley face writing. In some situations, the happy face was seen near where the bodies were found.

Texas expert explores why conspiracies swirl around Lady Bird Lake deaths
by u/hollow_hippie in Austin


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Now, a Twitter user with the name @901Lulu says she has seen “pictures of smiley faces in graffiti near the water in Lady Bird Lake.” The user also said, “I can’t check for myself, but I’ve heard stories from people who knew the victims and posted them in this group. You can look at it and make your own decision.”

The post has sparked concern and debate among Twitter users, with one stating, “That’s eerie. I would like to know what all the victims have in common if anything. And if LE (law enforcement) doesn’t find this unusual, then how many have been found in this lake in 2020? 2021?” Another user commented, “This is so concerning, what does it take for LE to declare concern? Will be interested to read autopsy reports on all eight….” A third user remarked, “My God.”


Families of Lady Bird Lake victims believe similarities point to a connection

Some locals have said that graffiti with smiley faces is common near Lady Bird Lake, but the families of the people who died there don’t think it’s an accident because the deaths are too similar.The mother of Jason John, whose body was found in February, said, “Jason was 30. Jonathan Honey was 33.

Two in the morning. Rainey Street. So there were some similarities in the case.” Melanie Raymond, the sister of Julio Santos, who died in 2015, added, “I think they’re connected. They’re too much the same to be a coincidence. It’s like [Austin Police Department] APD is reading from a script, and it’s the exact same things. And if they were different, why would they be saying the exact same things? So, yes, I think they’re all connected.”

But Austin Police Chief Joseph Chacon has said that there is no proof of a serial killer in the Lady Bird Lake case and that people should not share rumours. “It’s terrible that we have to deal with these deaths, and we’re looking into each one to find out what happened. Some of them are accidental, unfortunately, some of them are also suicides,” he said. “Nothing has come to light that would indicate that there is a serial killer in Austin.”

Recent increase in Lady Bird Lake deaths sparks concern

Between mid-February and mid-April of this year, four bodies were found in Lady Bird Lake, which is actually a river that runs through downtown Austin. The walk and bike trail goes along miles of the lake’s shore, where the bodies were found. In 2015 and 2020, when people died before, their bodies were also found in or near the lake.

The situation is still going on, and there are still probes going on. The new theory about smiley face graffiti has gotten both the public and the government even more interested. As the mystery gets bigger, the families of the dead keep pushing for answers and justice, and the rest of the community is still on edge.


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