F1 Rules And Regulation: How The New Rules Have Made This The Most Competitive Season Ever

F1 Rules And Regulation: How The New Rules Have Made This The Most Competitive Season Ever

This year Formula 1 has witnessed it’s closest season ever as there is a fierce competition at all levels of the table owing to the new F1 rules and regulations

Formula 1 has introduced all new regulations for this season, as most of the new guidelines have a moderate impact on drivers as compared to the constructors.

But their are some changes which have created a ruckus for the drivers. Mercedes who cruised in last year’s championship find themselves in the second place behind Max Verstappen and Red Bull.

F1 New Rules 2021

Cost Cap Introduced

Formula 1’s first ever Cost Cap set this season at a baseline of $145 Million and it will keep on decreasing gradually every year. In order for the races to be fair, F1 has created Cost Cap as that Cap covers every aspect of running a Formula 1 team with some notable exceptions.

Clamping down on duplicate parts


This does not make much difference as the chasis have been carried over from 2020 into this year. Additionally, the rules have moved to outlaw teams “reverse engineering” another competitor’s car. F1 has also imposed a ban on 3D camera to scan other teams machinery.

DAS banned

This change affects only one team directly that is Mercedes as both Hamilton and Bottas were heavily relied on DAS.

Practice Session Limited

For 2021, time limit has been altered so that all the practice sessions are of 60 minutes. Maximum race time, including any suspensions, is also cut down from four hours to three.

New Materials allowed


With Formula 1 always keen to embrace new technology, technical regulations have allowed new ‘green’ materials to play part in the sport.

Exhaust System Numbered and Automatic Tyre Allocation

This year exhaust systems have been added to the list of limited- use components, with each driver allowed no more than eight per season.
Teams will receive two sets of hard, three sets of mediums and eight sets of softs per race weekend.

All these new regulations ensure more competition for the fans and some more close battles to witness. The competition is not only at the top, but midfield has also witnessed fierce competition between Ferrari and McLaren.

With the triple header kicking off this weekend, fans are gonna witness one of the closest season’s in Formula 1’s history.


Also Read: Canadian Grand Prix 2021: Mercedes And Red Bull Embroiled In A Tantalising Battle In The Closest F1 Season Ever

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