Explained Avow Meaning On TikTok As Slang Becomes New Viral Trend

Explained Avow Meaning On TikTok As Slang Becomes New Viral Trend

On Tiktok, what does Avow implies and what is its meaning? Every day, new terminology appears on social media, and people go insane trying to figure out what it means

Avow, meantime, has been making the rounds recently, not only on Tiktok but also on other digital platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and others. It’s referred to as Abow as well as Avow. 

After several internet-based media users, particularly TikTokers, began using it, this unique yet catchy phrase rose to the top of the moving summary. Avow importance on TikTok appears to be expressing people’s feelings. On TikTok, there’s even a hashtag for it, which has over 500 million views.


Even if you don’t know the definition, you’ve probably gained a sense of the term to say when you’re pleasantly surprised by anything. Isn’t that so? Let’s dig deeper into this article to find out what Avow means.

Explained Avow Meaning On TikTok As Slang Becomes New Viral Trend In 2022

Not every slang has a single meaning; instead, it has a variety of meanings. As previously stated, Avow is a Swedish slang term that means “wow,” “omg,” “damn,” and other similar phrases. So, the next time you see a Tiktok video that you enjoy or that has favourably surprised you, you may remark on the lingo to keep the author encouraged and pleased. Many people believe it is a European slang that originated as Turkish Arabic slang in the Middle East. Although the origins may appear to be different, the meaning is the same.

This term became more popular after ShantiiP and TarioP released one of their songs, which goes by the name Throw It Back. They have used Avow in it, and the line says, “He told me Throw It Back Avow.” Not just for once but is repeated several times. It was on 26 December 2021 when the song was released on YouTube. The hashtag of this particular slang has successfully made more than 500 million views to date. In case you haven’t listened to the song yet, here it is, attached below.


Thousands of social media creators are using slang. People are enjoying the fun. Have you thought of an idea of using this slang in your next post? Keep up the trend!

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