EA Sports F1 24 game release date and new features

EA Sports F1 24 game release date and new features

The F1 24 game could have a release date in July 2024

Over the years, the F1 gaming franchise has gained immense popularity, captivating millions of gamers worldwide who eagerly take the virtual wheel to participate in thrilling races.

Even Formula 1 drivers themselves indulge in the game, both in their home setups and during various events. The anticipation among fans has reached new heights with the upcoming release of the F1 24 game this year.

EA Sports F1 24 game predicted release date and new features


Historically developed by Codemasters, the F1 game landscape underwent a significant change in 2021 when EA Sports acquired Codemasters. This transition placed the F1 gaming series firmly under EA Sports’ stewardship.

While Codemasters continues to play a crucial role in the game’s development within the EA Sports umbrella, there have been notable enhancements.

Introducing novel game modes such as the story mode and GT Racing, fans are eagerly awaiting the creative innovations EA Sports will unveil in the new F1 24 game.

Release Date

Despite the absence of an official release date from EA Sports, fans can make educated guesses based on past patterns. Previously, Codemasters tended to release F1 games later in the year, sometimes extending into October.


However, since 2019, all F1 games have hit the shelves in either June or July. With the first race of the 2024 season scheduled for March 2nd, there’s hope that the release of the F1 24 game might occur relatively soon, possibly within two months after the season opener.

Design & Layout

This timeline allows EA Sports ample time to meticulously design liveries, develop any new tracks, incorporate additional game features, and make any necessary layout changes to existing tracks.

Among the highly anticipated aspects of the game are the driver ratings, a yearly event marked by controversies and fan debates. Expectations are high for a similar reveal format, with F1 drivers disclosing their teammates’ ratings in a YouTube video.

The allure of the F1 game lies In its drivers, additional features, and new tracks. While the 2024 season sees no driver changes on the grid, developers face the challenge of maintaining excitement through innovative features and tracks.

While the Shangai International Circuit in China is the only new addition to the F1 2024 calendar compared to the 2023 season, it had already been playable in the F1 23 game. However, fans speculate that EA might introduce a beloved track not present on the official calendar.


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