Cullinan Diamond Price Worth, Weight, Size, Shape, Color, Mine And Real Owner

Cullinan Diamond Price Worth, Weight, Size, Shape, Color, Mine And Real Owner

On January 26, 1905, the Cullinan diamond which is also known as the largest gem-quality rough diamond, was discovered in South Africa, know its price and size

Following the death of the current owner of Cullinan diamond, Queen Elizabeth II, here we are exploring the more information of the massive gemstone.

Cullinan Diamond Price Worth, Weight, Size, Shape, Color, Mine, Real Owner

From crown jewels to personal pieces, here were are going to discuss a complete list of Queen’s Cullinan Diamonds.

Origin of Cullinan Diamond

The Cullinan diamond was found at the Premiere Number 2 mine in Cullinan, South Africa. A superintendent of the mine named Frederick Wells, spotted the enormous stone by chance while he was on rounds.

Caroline de Guitaut of the Royal Collection described the moment as, “So incredible was its discovery that the moment it was found at the Premier Mine it was thrown out of the window of the mine manager’s office because it was thought to be a worthless crystal.”

The rough stone measured at around more than 3000 carats and weighed more than a pound. It was the biggest diamond that had ever been discovered in the world.

Journey of Cullinan Diamond from South Africa to Queen’s Crown

At the time of the discovery of the diamond, South Africa was still a part of the British Empire, So, the Colonial government purchased it.

The government wanted to bestow the enormous stone on the reigning king, Edward VII.

But at first, he didn’t want to accept, even at the time, there had been some disagreement about whether to offer it to him in the first place. However, after a bit of convincing by a young Winston Churchill, King Edward finally agreed to take it.

Although the King had agree to take it, but it took a bit of quarrel to get the stone from Africa to London.

However as soon as it made it to British Empire, it was given to Bertie on his birthday in November 1907. Later, it was sent to the Asschers in the Netherlands to be cut.

After a process of 8 months, they produced 9 major diamonds and 96 small brilliants from the orginal diamond. Its total value is said to stand at $400 million today.

Here’s a look at the 9 major diamonds

Here’s a look at the nine major diamonds cut from the original Cullinan stone.


The Cullinan I

The magnificent Cullinan I is the largest of the Cullinans diamond which is also known as “the Great Star of Africa.”

The pear shaped stone measures around 530.2 carats. It is a part of British crown jewels and set in the Sovereign’s Sceptre.

The Cullinan II

It is a 317.4 carat cushion-shaped diamond. It is also known as “the Second Star of Africa.” It’s also the part of British crown jewels.

The Cullinan III

It is a pear-shaped stone and weighs around 94.4 carat. It is a part of Queen’s personal jewellery.

The Cullinan IV


It is a cushion-shaped stone which is weighs around 63.6 carat. The Cullinan III & IV are set together to form an impressive brooch.

Once Queen Elizabeth has jokingly called this piece as “Granny’s Chips,” because she inherited the stone from her grandmother, Queen Mary.

The Cullinan V

It is an heart-shaped stone, which weighs around 18.8 carat. It was Queen’s favourite brooch as she frequently wore it during her entire 70 year reign.

The Cullinan VI

It is an pendant which is in marquise-cut form. It weighs around 11.5 carat.

The Cullinan VII


It is also an marquise-cut stone which weighs around 8.8 carat. It is set in a pretty negligee-style necklacefrom the Delhi Durbar Parure.

The Cullinan VIII

Its also a cushion-cut stone which is weighs around 6.8 carat. It’s also brooch and the part of Queen’s personal jewellery.

The Cullinan IX

It is a 4.4 carat pear-shaped diamond. It is in the form of a ring. However, Queen didn’t worn the ring quite often.

ALSO READ: List Of Most Expensive Diamond In The World, Shape, Size, Color And Cost 2022

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