TikTok always seems to have a new viral slang term almost every week, currently, the terms ‘RCTA’ and ‘ECTA’ are going viral, check out the meaning and usage of the terms explained below
The terms RCTA and ECTA, which stand for “race change to another” and “ethnicity change to another,” are currently becoming very popular among users who identify as transracial.
What is the meaning and full form of ‘RCTA’ and ‘ECTA’ on TikTok explained as slang go viral
You have decided what pic.twitter.com/HBqcaD17n4
— jiji is seeing skz in 7 days!🐿️ (@sungiespie) July 6, 2023
"rcta ecta" what the FAWK ru talking about grow up😭😭😭
— mik☆mik¹² (@joyific4tion) July 7, 2023
Proof Rcta and Ecta is toxic.😍😍😍😍 pic.twitter.com/ZH2UFzUUzU
— Khulan (@khulanthatstay) July 13, 2023
Despite these terms becoming popular among some people, some users are calling those who use such terms as racist.
Meaning of ‘RCTA’ explained
The term RCTA stands for “Race Change to Another” and it is essentially another term for “transracial”. It refers to the idea that a person can transition to another race. A prime example of this is Oli London, a British influencer who once claimed to be Korean. The influencer even underwent plastic surgery to resemble K-Pop singer Jimin.
The term RCTA initially started gaining popularity on TikTok in September 2022. TikTokers started out by posting videos under the hashtag “#RCTA” while claiming to come out as another race. Most of these videos were of white people coming out as Korean, Chinese, or Japanese. They also proceeded to explain why they want to do so and what they’re doing to become more like the race they identify as.
‘RCTA’ online usage
Ever since the term ‘RCTA’ took off on TikTok, people who claim to be RCTA have started posting ‘introduction’ videos. These videos depict them coming out as transracial while also explaining why. Most of these videos feature various texts that explains the transition and what such people do to transition. Meanwhile, others are simply posting videos that help people through their alleged racial transitions.
The term is currently facing a lot of heavily criticisms on TikTok and other social media sites as racist. Many online users find the idea of transitioning race to be offensive. Sometimes, the people claiming to be RCTA become a walking stereotype of the race they claim to identify with most.
Interestingly, this criticism has also inspired lots of trolls and bait accounts that appear to be RCTA-only. These troll accounts make fun of the people actually claiming to be RCTA, such as TikToker @hellmarifromspace. This TikToker posted a video where he pretends to help RCTA people with their makeup only to apply clown makeup and proceed to tell RCTA people to get help.
Meaning behind ‘ECTA’ explained
The term ECTA stands for “ethnicity change to another” and it has also been going viral alongside RCTA videos. A person being ECTA means that they are transitioning ethnicity rather than race. ECTA users often tend to post similar videos as RCTA users and are currently gaining just as much hate and being called racist. ECTA users have also caught the attention of a lot of troll and bait accounts.
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