Who Is Phoebe Plummer Just Stop Oil Climate Activist, Biography, Age, Family, Parents, School, Van Gogh Sunflowers Painting Video, Twitter

Who Is Phoebe Plummer Just Stop Oil Climate Activist, Biography, Age, Family, Parents, School, Van Gogh Sunflowers Painting Video, Twitter

Climate change activist Phoebe Plummer has been in the news because recently tossed soup upon Vincent van Gogh’s 1888 pointing, know her parents and school

On October 13, two teenage climate activists, Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland shocked the British media when they tossed a can of tomato soup upon Vincent van Gogh’s Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers (1888).

Who Is Phoebe Plummer Just Stop Oil Climate Activist, Biography, Age, Family, Parents, School, Van Gogh Sunflowers Painting Video, Twitter, News

The artwork with the soup-covered surface is housed inย the National Gallery, London and the video of this incident was posted online. Since it was posted, it has become a hot topic of discussion all over the world.


Their demonstration, which they set up in front of a glass-encased picture, was meant to highlight how serious the climate problem is.

However, their action has attracted a lot of criticism from every section of society with many people calling for their arrest. While many people donโ€™t know about Anna Holland, Phoebe Plummer has become the talk of the town as she has a significant social media following.

As a result, many people are trying to find out more about her. So, hereโ€™s what we know about her:

Who Is Phoebe Plummer?

Phoebe Plummer is a notorious climate change activist from the United Kingdom. She has been in the news because of one of her videos in which she was seen spilling tomato soup on Vincent van Gogh’s Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers (1888) along with Anna Holland.


She is from Lambeth, Southwest London. She is just 21 years old but her parents and other details are not known.

She is an activist for the “Just Stop Oil” organization, whose straightforward objective is to persuade the UK government to stop building any new oil and gas infrastructure.

Why Did She Do This?

In a TikTok & Twitter video, Phoebe Plummer specifically opened out and explained the reasoning behind why she did this. She said that neither the tomato soup nor their wearing of orange vests nor even the artwork had anything to do with it. Talking about the incident, she said

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?โ€™ Iโ€™d like to think Van Gogh would be one of those people who knows we need to step up into civil disobedience and non-violent direct action.

Although Plummer admitted that her actions were “ridiculous,” she said that the true question she wanted to ask the media was why Liz Truss intended to grant over 100 new North Sea oil and gas licenses.

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