WWE Raw Results Today: New Number One Contenders For Raw Tag Team Titles Revealed

WWE Raw Results Today: New Number One Contenders For Raw Tag Team Titles Revealed

The Viking Raiders defeated four other teams in a battle royal on Raw this week to become the number one contenders for the Raw Tag Team Titles in this week’s WWE raw results.

This week, Monday Night Raw kicked off the show with a battle royal between five teams – RK-Bro, The New Day, Viking Raiders, Mace & T-Bar and Lucha House Party – to determine the next challengers to AJ Styles & Omos’ Raw Tag Team Championships.  In a surprising win, The Viking Raiders, Erick and Ivar, took the win.

WWE Raw Results Today: How The Viking Raiders Came One Step Closer To The Raw Tag Team Titles

In addition to the five teams, the match also saw a surprise entrant. With his partner The Miz injured, John Morrison decided to compete on behalf of his team. Before the match began, Styles and Omos also came out to cut a promo. They criticized the current state of the RAW tag team division.

Orton and Riddle hit Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods with RKOs to start the action right as the show cut to a break. When we returned, the bell rang and the match officially began. The bout came down to The Viking Raiders, The New Day, and R-K-Bro. Riddle and Xavier Woods were eliminated, so Kofi Kingston and Randy Orton were left alone against The Viking Raiders.


WWE Raw Highlights

Though Riddle helped Orton eliminate Kofi, Erick and Ivar tossed him out to grab the win. The WWE Universe was totally counting on RK-Bro to win this big match, what with their exciting segments in the past few weeks. But it seems like they still have a score to settle with The New Day.

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Erik and Ivar were previously known as War Machine and went by the names Raymond Rowe and Hanson respectively. They are the first and only tag team to have held the Ring of Honor (ROH), International Wrestling Grand Prix (IWGP), NXT and Raw Tag Team Championships. In April 2019, Raw drafted them under the name The Viking Raiders.


WWE hasn’t confirmed when the team will fight against the defending champions AJ Styles and Omos, as of now. But with Hell in a Cell just around the corner, it’s pretty obvious.

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