Why do footballers spit so much and reason for spitting out water/drink on the pitch during matches

Why do footballers spit so much and reason for spitting out water/drink on the pitch during matches

Know why do footballers spit so much during a match and the reason for them spitting their drinks after drinking them

As football fans would note, footballers are often seen spitting on the field during a game, find out the mystery behind it and explore the scientific explanations behind it.

Fans often see footballers spitting on the field during a match, irrespective of where they play or for which team.

Explained why do footballers spit so much and reason for spitting water/drink on the pitch during matches


Notably, there are several reasons behind the phenomenon, including scientific and performance-building reasons.

MUC5B secretion

According to BBC Science Focus, performing all kinds of intense exercise increases the amount of protein that the body secretes into the saliva. In particular, the body specifically secretes a kind of mucus called MUC5B. This mucus generally makes the saliva thicker, making it harder for a person to swallow it. As such, the natural response for footballers, or, for that matter, intensely trained athletes, is to simply spit it out.

The reason why we produce more MUC5B when exercising remains unclear. However, experts suggest the reason behind it is that people tend to breathe more through their mouths while exercising. As such, the MUC5B mucus could act as a way of preventing the mouth from drying out.


Meanwhile, some studies state that footballers simply seem to spit a lot because of their OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) behaviour. Interestingly, some people believe that it could simply be a case of displaying masculinity designed to intimidate other players.


Another strong theory linked to the issue is how players spit their drinks out after seemingly spraying their mouths. This popular activity is called carb-rinsing, and fans will often see footballers, and any other athletes in general, doing it mid-game. The main idea behind the carb-rising effect is to fill your mouth with a sugar- and salt-heavy sports drink. The simple act tricks the brain into thinking that extra energy is on the way. As such, it stops the body from thinking that it is fatigued and instead provides the athlete with a performance boost.

Based on a study published in the “International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism,” at least 12 professional male athletes experienced less fatigue after performing carb-rinsing during their event. As such, fans can now understand the idea behind their favourite footballers always spitting mid-game or spitting their drinks out.


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