Who is XFL trainer Ben Siegfried, cause of death, obituary, age, college stats, high school

Who is XFL trainer Ben Siegfried, cause of death, obituary, age, college stats, high school

Ben Siegfried, a 22-year-old trainer for the St Louis BattleHawks and DC Defenders, was found dead in his team hotel on Thursday, know his cause of death and age

This was a huge loss for the XFL. Ben Siegfried was a graduate student athletic trainer at Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania. He used to play college football there. He was a big part of getting both teams ready for the XFL season.

The league said on Thursday that Siegfried had died, “The XFL family mourns the loss of our teammate, Ben Siegfried, who passed away last evening. Ben…was an integral part of preparing our BattleHawks and Defenders for the season. His infectious smile in the locker room and passion for his work will be deeply missed.”

Who is XFL trainer Ben Siegfried, cause of death, obituary, age, family, college stats, high school

Sunday, the St. Louis Battlehawks went out on the field with heavy hearts because one of their teammates had died. Jonathan Hayes, the head coach of the BattleHawks, said after the game, “He was always happy and had a lot of energy. We’ll miss him.”


Cause of death is yet unknown

Ben Siegfried’s death has been hard on the XFL community because he was so young and full of life. The cause of his death has not been made public. A lot of Siegfried’s coworkers and friends have used social media to share their sadness and memories of him.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, who is a co-owner of the XFL, wrote on Twitter, “So so sorry to hear this devastating news come in earlier today. Sending strength, love, light, and mana to the Siegfried family during this heartbreaking time. We are with you. Stay strong.”


The first version of the XFL folded after just one season because of financial problems and the 9/11 attacks, among other things. The league started up again this year under new ownership, which included Johnson. Five weeks of games were played before the COVID-19 pandemic stopped the season.

Who was Ben Siegfried?

Ben Siegfried was an XFL trainer for both the St. Louis Battlehawks and the D.C. Defenders. He was a 22-year-old graduate student and former college football player. He played three sports at Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania. In 2021, the school gave him an award for sportsmanship. He had 17 tackles and a half-sack during his senior year.

Siegfried was a well-liked member of the XFL community because he worked hard and loved sports. He was an important part of getting both the BattleHawks and the Defenders ready for the season, and all of the players and staff who had the chance to work with him will miss his smile in the locker room.

The death of Ben Siegfried is a reminder that the XFL is more than just a football league. It is a community of people working together to reach a common goal. Siegfried’s death is a sad reminder of how short life is and how important it is to enjoy every moment.

To know more about Ben Siegfried, do follow The SportsGrail on a regular and frequent basis.


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