Who is weather man Sonam Lotus transferred to Leh, biography, age, qualification

Who is weather man Sonam Lotus transferred to Leh, biography, age, qualification

Sonam Lotus is an Indian meteorologist, known for being a weatherman of Kashmir Valley, have a look at his age and qualification

Find out more about him.

Sonam Lotus, the Director of the Department of Meteorology in Jammu and Kashmir, has been assigned a new role as the director of the Meteorological Center in Leh, which is tucked away in the stunning Ladakh area, following an outstanding 14-year stint in the scenic Kashmir valley.

Who is weather man Sonam Lotus transferred to Leh, biography, age and qualification

At the same time, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad will take over as director of the Meteorological Center in Srinagar.


The official government order states that, with immediate effect and until further notice,ย Lotus, a Scientist-E, is being relieved of his duties as the Head of the Meteorological Center in Srinagar and will assume the role of Head at the Meteorological Center in Leh.

Additionally, with immediate effect and until further notice, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad, who currently holds the status of Scientist-D, will take on the head role at the Meteorological Center in Srinagar.

During his extraordinary career, Sonam Lotus most notably showed unmatched accuracy in predicting the weather in the many microclimates of Kashmir. He solidified his reputation as a highly esteemed meteorologist who has been instrumental in saving many lives.

Due to this, he has become the talk of the town since his transfer was announced, with many people thanking him for his services. Many people are also currently trying to find out more about him. So, hereโ€™s what we know about him:

Who is Sonam Lotus?

Sonam Lotus is a well-known Indian meteorologist. He has been in the news because he recently got transferred to Leh following a 14-year stint in the Kashmir Valley.


He was born andย raised in a farming family in Sharah, a Leh Ladakh hamlet located 60 kilometers from the district office. He was raised in a home that held His Holiness the Dalai Lama in high regard.

Lotus traveled to Leh to attend a government school because his hamlet did not have a high school. Later, he did his MSc in physics at Jammu University. While he celebrates his birthday on 14 March, his age isn’t known.

He graduated from Govt. Gandhi Memorial Science College, Jammu and obtained Masters & M. Phil in Physics from Jammu University (J&K) and joined India Meteorological Department (IMD) in the year 2005 as a Trainee Meteorologist and underwent one year training at the WMO recognized Meteorological Training Centre at Pune.

His career

After completing his studies,ย Sonam Lotus was chosen to be a trainee meteorologist and spent a year in training at the Regional Training Centre in Pune, which is recognized highly by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Later, he was transferred to Srinagar as a director of the MeT center in 2008, where he eventually became the longest-serving director of the department. Notably, the center was awarded the top IMD center in India in 2017. All thanks to Lotus, who is renowned throughout the valley for his meteorological forecasting accuracy.


In addition, Sonam Lotus won the Best Employee Award from the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) in New Delhi for the 2017โ€“18 fiscal year. This was given in appreciation of his noteworthy contributions to the field of climate science and his ability to provide systematic, accurate weather warnings that prevent natural disasters in the area.

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