The student, named Tekum Siva Kumar, committed suicide by plunging into the Satnala dam in the Adilabad district, have a look at his biography and age
His body was recovered during the afternoon of Thursday, February 29.
Who is Tekum Siva Kumar as Telangana Class 11 student commits suicide, death reason, biography, age and parents
A Telangana class 11 kid committed suicide after being sent away from the exam centre on the grounds that he was purportedly late. The student, named Tekum Siva Kumar, committed suicide in the Adilabad district by plunging into the Satnala dam. The afternoon of Thursday, February 29, saw the recovery of his body. It has been stated that he apologised to his father in a suicide letter.
“I am sorry, Daddy, forgive me. I am not able to cope with this trauma. You have done a lot for me, but I am not able to do anything for you. I have never felt this bad. I have missed the exam for the first time. I am feeling terrible,” the alleged suicide note states in Telugu. It turned up, along with his wallet and wristwatch. When Kumar’s body was being brought out, his family members started crying, setting off a heartbreaking scene. While his DOB isn’t known, he was aged between 15-17 years.
Return of the “Not Even One Minute Late” rule
It is said that Kumar arrived late to the exam location. Authorities at the exam centre scrupulously enforced the controversial “not even one-minute late” rule, refusing to allow Kumar to show up for the intermediate exam.
The Telangana State Education Board’s “not even one-minute late” policy, which prohibits pupils from showing up for the test even if they arrive at the testing location one minute late, has come under fire once more as a result of Kumar’s suicide.
Last month, a Gitam University student jumped to her death from the fifth floor
A student at Gitam University in Hyderabad committed suicide by jumping from the fifth story of the academic building. Renu Sri, eighteen, was enrolled in the university’s first year of engineering program at its Rudraram campus in the Sangareddy district, which is close to Hyderabad.
According to reports, the student only enrolled in the Computer Science Engineering section of the university three months ago. On social media, a video of the incident was extensively circulated. Renu can be spotted using her phone while perched on the parapet wall. Then, putting down the phone, she leaned forward, one hand gripping the parapet wall, and leapt.
She passed away immediately after suffering numerous injuries. In the video, there are also the cries of those who witnessed her fall. The reason for this extreme step is still unknown. The police opened an investigation after registering a case.