Who is snooker referee Tatiana Woollaston, bio, age, husband, salary and net worth

Who is snooker referee Tatiana Woollaston, bio, age, husband, salary and net worth

Tatiana Woollaston is a well-renowned snooker referee from Belarus, find out more about her life and career below along with her net worth and salary

Woollaston is a seasoned veteran official who joins alongside the ranks of Zhu Ying in officiating the major tournaments.

Who is snooker referee Tatiana Woollaston, bio, age, family, husband, salary and net worth

Woollaston gained a lot of media attention after she stood down on Matt Selt’s behaviour during his first-round clash with Mark Selby at the Crucible.

Tatiana Woollaston bio

Tatiana Woollaston is a Belarussian professional snooker referee who was born on November 8, 1986, in Pinsk, Belarus. Tatiana is currently 37 years old and works as an official referee under the WPBSA, EASB, EBSA and BSF. She is among some of the most well-known snooker referees like Desislava Bozhilova, Paul Collier, Olivier Marteel, and Marcel Eckardt. Aside from her work as a snooker referee, Tatiana also works for high-street fashion giant.


While her net worth isn’t known, a World Snooker professional referee earns a base salary of £20,750 every season.


Tatiana Woollaston graduated from the Belarus State Economic University with a masters in economics. Following her education, she stayed back at the same university to take up a career in teaching. However, she had eventually made plans to move to the UK after getting into snooker refereeing.

Refereeing career

Tatiana Woollaston started out refereeing in amateur snooker events around 2008 back in her homeland. After qualifying as a Class 3 snooker referee just one year later, in March 2009, she became a referee member of European Billiards and Snooker Association. By 2010, Tatiana had become the first referee from Eastern Europe to officiate at a world-ranking snooker semi-final.

Tatiana notably officiated at the Euro Players Tour Championship event six in Prague, where John Higgins defeated Joe Jogia. Over the years, she quickly gained prominence and by 2020, she appeared at the World Championships at the Crucible. Tatiana also refereed the Welsh Open final between Joe Perry and Judd Trump back in 2022, before officiating at the British Open final last year during the match between Mark Williams and Mark Selby.


Last year, Tatiana Woollaston showed off her refereeing skills during Matt Selt’s first round clash at the Crucible with Mark Selby. During the match, Selt unleashed an X-rated rant at the table out of frustration, which unsurprisingly shocked the audience. Despite this, Tatiana stood her ground over the player and gave him a stern warning to mind his Ps and Qs.

Tatiana calmly stated:

I have to warn you for swearing, if I have to warn you again you will lose the frame.”

Marriage and children

Tatiana Woollaston is married to a professional snooker player named Ben Woollaston, and they have two children together. The pair first met up at the Paul Hunter Classic in Furth in 2010 and got married a year later. Back in an interview with Inside Snooker, Tatiana joked:

I think it was love at first sight – from his side, anyway!”

Following their marriage, Tatiana moved to the UK and moved in with Ben in Leicester.


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