Who is Shradha Khapra, her biography, age, education, college name, salary, engagement video

Who is Shradha Khapra, her biography, age, education, college name, salary, engagement video

Shradha Khapra, the co-founder of Apna College, has been in the news because co-founder Aman Dhattarwal recently proposed to her at LPU, know her age and biography

Love is in the air, even in some of the most prestigious universities. A recent “YouthFest—Sukoon” hosted by Lovely Professional University featured Shradha Khapra, co-founder of Apna College and a former Microsoft software engineer who instructs more than three million students on YouTube.

Who is Shradha Khapra, her biography, age, education, college name, salary, engagement proposal video

Aman Dhattarwal, a YouTuber and the co-founder of Apna College, was with her. While everyone observed the founding of the Apna College-LPU Chapter and received wonderful inspiration to succeed in life, the event has also gained notoriety for several other factors.

Surprising everyone, Aman proposed to Shradha on the stage in front of a huge audience. Upon seeing this, the crowd couldn’t stop their hooting and excitement. Soon, the video of the incident went viral on social media platforms, with many people giving their reactions.

While many people make fun of it, others congratulate both of them. Due to this, Shradha Khapra has become the talk of the town, with many people trying to find out more about her. So, here’s what we know about her:

Who is Shradha Khapra?

Shradha Khapra is a well-known mentor and educator and has been renowned for being a co-founder of Apna College. She has been in the news because co-founder Aman Dhattarwal recently proposed to her at Lovely Professional University.


She is a native of a small village in Haryana and had limited access to quality education in her hometown.

To pursue her academic goals, she enrolled in Jain Bharati Mrigavati Vidyalaya in Delhi, where she excelled and scored a perfect 10 CGPA in the 10th grade and 94.4% in the 12th grade. She went on to study computer engineering at NSIT (Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology) and graduated with an impressive 8.8 in 2021.


She is currently in a relationship with Aman Dhattarwal, a co-founder of Apna College.

She is currently 23 years old.

Her career

During her academic journey, Shradha Khapra secured internships at prestigious institutions, including a three-month stint as a software engineer intern at Microsoft and a one-month research trainee internship at DRDO. Her talent and hard work paid off, and Microsoft hired her as a software engineer in Hyderabad, Telangana, for a period of five months in July 2021.


Later, she resigned from the company and co-founded Apna College, where she introduced coding courses to help aspiring programmers hone their skills.

The net worth of Shradha Khapra

She has a net worth of about Rs. 1 crore. Additionally, she receives Rs. 1 lakh in salary per month.

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