Who is screenwriter Gazal Dhaliwal, biography, age, husband, education, story, pictures

Who is screenwriter Gazal Dhaliwal, biography, age, husband, education, story, pictures

Gazal Dhaliwal is a screenwriter, have a look at her biography and husband

Find out more about her and her recent news.

Sandeep Reddy Vanga, the director of “Animal,” has come under fire after screenwriter Gazal Dhaliwal took a stance against him and accused him of misusing her hard work to get the prestigious title of “writer-editor-director” in the movie’s opening credits.

Who is screenwriter Gazal Dhaliwal, biography, age, family, husband, education, story, pictures

The 41-year-old screenwriter expressed her dissatisfaction by posting a picture of the opening credits along with quotes from Rudyard Kipling’s “If” poetry and Javed Akhtar’s “Mard” poems, both of which underline the idea of masculinity.

Gazal Dhaliwal expressed worry over a practice in which certain directors claim the title of “writer” even if other people write the screenplay and dialogue, highlighting the power structures in the film industry.


Dhaliwal explained why she had called out the filmmaker, highlighting a sequence in “Animal” when the main character—who is supposed to be an alpha male—discusses evolutionary qualities, indicating that women are predisposed to be attracted to alpha males by nature.

Gazal Dhaliwal expressed disapproval of the patronizing way in which beta males are portrayed, saying that the protagonist minimizes their needs and that beta men originated poetry as a means of seduction, highlighting the small-minded and backward character of the “alpha male.”

Since then, she has become the talk of the town, with many people trying to know more about her. So, here’s what we know about her:

Who is Gazal Dhaliwal?

Gazal Dhaliwal is a renowned Indian screenwriter. She has been in the news because she accused director Sandeep Reddy Vanga of stealing her credits in the “Animal” movie.

She was born and grew up in the city of Patiala, Punjab. She is a Punjabi Sikh, and her parents are Bhajan Pratap Singh Dhaliwal and Sukarni Dhaliwal. She is a transgender.


Gazal Dhaliwal did her schooling at British Co-ed High School in Patiala. She then attended the Malaviya National Institute of Technology in Jaipur to pursue a degree in chemical engineering. But Gazal’s real interest was in Bollywood movies. She relocated to Mumbai in 2005 and spent a year at the Xavier Institute of Communications studying filmmaking.

She is currently 40-41 years old and is unmarried and single.

Gazal is also known as Gunraj Singh Dhaliwal.

Her career

After working as an engineer at Infosys, Gazal Dhaliwal helped Govind Nihalani with his films before making the move to Bollywood. Even though her debut screenplay was never produced, she rose to prominence as a significant motion picture scriptwriter. In 2014, she made an appearance on “Satyamev Jayate” and made her acting debut in the short film “Agli Baar.”

Beginning her scripting career in 2016, Gazal wrote screenplays for the movies “Wazir” and “Lipstick Under My Burkha” as well as “Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga.”


Gazal Dhaliwal joined the first-ever Indian team for a transgender rights initiative in the United States. In addition, she is a well-known public speaker and LGBTQ+ campaigner who has discussed her identity as a transgender woman in a number of speeches and media appearances.