The Mumbai Police have found the child named Pooja Gaud (Gaur) who was abducted when she was 7 years old, bringing joy to her family, know about how she went missing and her news
Pooja Gaud will always remember August 5 as the day that demonstrated that miracles do in fact happen. Nine years after she was reportedly kidnapped by a couple from the slum where she resided in Juhu Galli, Andheri, the adolescent was reunited with her mother.
Know Who Is Pooja Gaud (Gaur) Girl No 166 Missing For Nine Years Found By Mumbai Police, Real Name, Age, Biography, Family And News
A childless couple Harry D'Souza and Sony kidnapped Pooja Gaud nine years ago in 2013. After three years, a child was born to them and Harry, an electrician, and Sony made Pooja work as a domestic help. That's when the girl realised the couple were not her parents
— george poikayil (@george_TNIE) August 6, 2022
Today after 9 long years Pooja Gaud was found along with her kidnapper at Andheri West, Mumbai.
Simply spine chilling news story.
"Bhagwan ke ghar der hai Andheri nahi"🙏🏻
— Abhinav Tripathy🇮🇳🚩 (@AbhinavAT_07) August 5, 2022
Since this news went public, it went viral on various social media platforms and many media outlets are also publishing her story. She has gained a lot of attention since she was found. Many people are also trying to find out more about her and her case.
So, here’s what we know about her and her case:
Who Is Pooja Gaud?
Pooja Gaud is a commoner who went missing a few years ago but recently she has been in the news because she reunited with her family.
She is now 14 years old. Her father’s name is Santosh Gaud who died earlier in the April of this year. Her mother’s name is Poonam Gaud and she sells chana outside Andheri station. She also has two brothers whose names are Rohit who is years old 19 and Rahul who is 12 years old.
She lives in a slum settlement in Gilbert Hill. Her grandfather’s name is Madhav Gaud and he occupies the ground floor. Her paternal uncle’s name is Vinod Gaud while her aunt’s name is Manju Devi. They were living with his family on the first floor of the same residence.
More About Her Case
On January 22, 2013, Pooja was kidnapped while she was making her way a kilometre from her home to the municipal school. She was being followed by her older brother Rohit, who was then in class 4.
Her family members filed an FIR at the DN Police station after she vanished. She was referred to as “Girl No. 166” because, according to records at the DN Nagar police station, she was the 166th missing girl. By May 2015, all 165 other missing females had been located, but Pooja was still unaccounted for.
The family had nearly lost hope that they would ever see Pooja again until assistant sub-inspector Rajendra Bhosale, who was the official in charge of the missing bureau at the time, withdrew from the service in May 2015. But still, he investigated her case on his own.
But on 3 August, Pooja finally met his family again.
Who Kidnapped Pooja Gaud?
A childless couple named Harry D’souza and his wife Sony allegedly kidnapped Pooja. When D’souza, an electrician, came across the girl outside the school, he brought her with him and promised to buy her ice cream.
They gave her a new name Annie. D’souza transported the kid from Maharashtra to Karnataka, where she was put to a boarding school after the story of the missing youngster made headlines.
Following the birth of their kid, the situation changed, and the couple forced Pooja to watch their infant while they brought her back to Mumbai. She was also required by the couple to serve as a maid at surrounding homes.
How Pooja Gaud Was Found?
Pooja revealed to a coworker that D’souza and Sony were not her true parents and had abused her in the past while working at a house in Juhu Galli, where the couple currently resided.
When domestic help Pramila Devendra, who had a bad feeling, searched for reports of Pooja going missing, she discovered them. Additionally, she discovered a banner with four numbers asking for information about the missing girl.
Three of the identified calls remained unanswered, but the fourth one—Mohammad Rafique Shaikh, a neighbour of Pooja’s family—was answered. They called the police after verifying with Pooja’s mother and viewing her on a video call.