Who is Ned Dubofsky Insurance executive, net worth 2023, age, family, wife, cause of death, obituary

Who is Ned Dubofsky Insurance executive, net worth 2023, age, family, wife, cause of death, obituary

Ned Dubofsky, who was 54 years old, has died, and the Winaukee 100 Facebook group is sad about the news, know his net worth

In a post in the group, which was made to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Camp Winaukee, Mario Watson says “Rest in peace” to Dubofsky and says that the news breaks his heart. In the 1980s, Dubofsky went to a sportsmanship and community camp for boys every year.

Since then, dozens of people have replied to the post, calling the news “very sad” and “a tragedy.” One person wrote, “Sad to hear about Ned’s death. So, so many laughs and good times.”

Who is Ned Dubofsky Insurance executive, net worth in 2023, age, family, wife, cause of death, obituary 

Another user posted a picture of Dubofsky at Camp Winaukee when he was a child. This made several other users thank him for the memories he shared with them.


Who was Ned Dubofsky? About his life and work!

Ned Evan Dubofsky was born in the late 1960s and grew up on Long Island, New York. He went to school at George Washington University and then ran an insurance business in Jericho, New York.

He was married twice, and the second time was to Lindsay Marks. Dubofsky and Marks got married on January 22, 2005, and they recently celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary.

Marks, who is seven years younger than Dubofsky, worked in New York as the coordinator of public relations and marketing for Ralph Lauren Home at the time of their marriage. Dubofsky was involved in his community and spent a lot of time doing non-profit work to raise awareness about severe food allergies.

Daughter of Ned Dubofsky and Nonprofit Work

Dubofsky’s daughter Casey, age either 16 or 17 at the time of publication, is the driving force behind the nonprofit Safe Eats. Casey is severely allergic to tree nuts and fish. She found the organisation to recruit restaurants from across Nassau County to opt into a programme that trains staff members in using EpiPens.


Dubofsky was actively involved in supporting his daughter’s work with Safe Eats. Ned Dubofsky was passionate about making a difference in the lives of those affected by severe food allergies.

Dubofsky’s Legacy

Ned Dubofsky will be remembered by many as a kind and generous soul. He dedicated much of his life to serving his community. His passing has been met with an outpouring of love and support from those who knew him, with many taking to social media to share their memories and express their condolences to his family.

Many will reflect on the impact he had on their lives and the legacy he leaves behind. Ned Dubofsky may be gone, but he will never be forgotten. His net worth stood at $500,000. His cause of death hasn’t been revealed.

To know more about Ned Dubofsky, do follow The SportsGrail on a regular and frequent basis.


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