A heartbreaking incident unfolded at LB Stadium as a kindergarten student, lost his life after falling into a sump on Tuesday evening with the Mohammed Aahil drowning to his death
Police reported that a tragic incident occurred at Lal Bahadur Shastri Stadium in Hyderabad, resulting in the death of a five-year-old kindergarten student.
Who is Mohammed Aahil as Success The High School Tolichowki student dies after drowning in the Lal Bahadur Shastri (LB) Stadium Hyderabad
The deceased, identified as Mohammed Aahil (5), was a student in an Upper Kindergarten (UKG) class.
Mohd, a student of Success – The High School Tolichowki, had attended sports events organized by the school at L B Stadium, accompanied by his elder brother, Adil, and mother, Safia.
What Exactly Happened?
During the sports events, Mohd went missing, prompting a frantic search within the stadium premises. After a thorough search, he was discovered submerged in a water sump, which measured 12 feet deep within the stadium.
Despite immediate efforts to rescue him and transport him to the hospital, doctors sadly declared Mohd deceased.
The authorities initiated an investigation into the incident. Blame was directed towards both the school management and the LB Stadium authorities, with allegations that the sump cover was improperly secured, leading to the tragic accident.
What Did Police Investigation Reveal
According to authorities, the young child was participating in his school’s sports day event at Lal Bahadur Shastri Stadium on Tuesday night. While waiting with his mother, Shafia Sultana, and his brother to receive his certificate, Aahil went missing.
His mother began searching for him, and a bystander informed her that the child had fallen into a sump due to the weak cover. Despite pleas from Aahil’s mother and others, the security staff initially refused to open the sump.
After a heated exchange, the security staff finally relented, and the sump was opened. Unfortunately, Aahil was retrieved from the sump and rushed to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead upon arrival. A case has been registered.
Similarly, in another distressing occurrence, a kindergarten student named Hemanth (5) passed away after allegedly being struck on the head by a teacher with a slate at a school in Uppal.
Hemanth, a student in the UKG standard at a private school in Ramanthapur, had reportedly not completed his homework. Angered by this, the teacher purportedly resorted to hitting the child with a slate, resulting in his collapse in the classroom.
Despite being rushed to the hospital, Hemanth succumbed to his injuries on Monday. Outraged family members protested both at the school and the Uppal police station, demanding accountability from the school management. Investigations into this tragic incident are currently ongoing.
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