Who is missing Aussie teen Zac Barnes and has he been found in 2023

Who is missing Aussie teen Zac Barnes and has he been found in 2023

In a heartbreaking case that has puzzled the Australian community, an inquest has been finally scheduled for Zac Barnes, a teenager who mysteriously vanished seven years ago, know how he went missing and has he been found

His disappearance on November 13, 2016, when he was just 18, has left his mother, Karen Gudelj, on a relentless pursuit for answers about her son’s whereabouts.

Who is missing Aussie teen Zac Barnes and has he been found in 2023 in case latest update

A timeline of the mysterious disappearance of Zac Barnes

On a seemingly normal Sunday evening, Zac, an apprentice bricklayer, disappeared after last being seen exiting a friend’s car and running into bushland near Thornton train station in New South Wales. His phone and social media accounts have been inactive since that fateful day, leaving investigators and his family in the dark.

A family’s tireless search

The disappearance has taken a heavy toll on Zac’s family, especially his mother, Karen. She has dedicated the past seven years to uncovering the truth about her son’s disappearance. The tragedy was compounded when Zac’s younger brother, Liam, tragically ended his life in 2020, adding another layer of sorrow to the family’s plight. The family expressed their grief, saying, “There are no words to express the pain of losing two sons so young within a four years.”

An inquest scheduled for Zac Barnes

After years of advocating for an inquest, the NSW Coroner’s office has finally announced a three-day inquest scheduled from July 17 to July 19. The proceedings will be under the guidance of Deputy State Coroner Carmel Forbes. Karen Gudelj and her family hope that this will provide the answers they desperately seek.


Questioning the Zac Barnes missing story

Two men, who were the last to see Zac, claimed that he suddenly panicked, jumped out of their car in Thornton, and ran off into the bushland nearby without his wallet or phone. Karen, however, refers to this account as “absolute bullsh*t” and has been left questioning why the two young men have since withdrawn any assistance in solving the mystery of her son’s disappearance.

Earlier this year, the family took to social media, hoping to finally get some clarity on what happened to Zac. A heartfelt post read, “Someone out there has the answers. The question is are you brave enough to tell your truth.” They also marked the six-year anniversary of Zac’s disappearance with a promise never to give up on finding him.


Who would be Zac Barnes now?

Zac would be 25 years old if he were still alive. Last seen, he was wearing a worn blue singlet, blue shorts, and brown work boots. He also has a VB tattoo on his right leg, which is easy to spot. Even though Zac’s official Facebook page lists possible sightings, none have been proven to be him.

In the years after Zac went missing, there were rumours that he owed money or made “foolish mistakes.” They Questions The Questions.


The case of Zac Barnes is still a scary secret. It reminds us of a young man who disappeared without a trace. As the inquest gets closer, Zac Barnes’ family, friends, and the whole country of Australia are eagerly waiting for answers and hope that justice will be done for him. Anyone who knows something about the crime is asked to call Crime Stoppers.

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