Who is Mariam Creighton as Albany State college volleyball player is shot dead, bio, age, height and family

Who is Mariam Creighton as Albany State college volleyball player is shot dead, bio, age, height and family

Here is all you need to know about Mariam Creighton, a college volleyball player who passed away at just the age of 21 after being shot to death

College volleyball is mourning following a young player’s sudden death. The nightclub shooting in Atlanta this past weekend took the life of Mariam Creighton, an Albany State volleyball player, according to TMZ.

She was one of the two individuals pronounced dead at the scene, the other being 20-year-old Nakyris Ridley. According to the Atlanta Police Department, officers were called to the Elleven45 club at roughly 2:28 a.m. ET in response to a complaint of gunfire. Four additional people were injured in the shooting as well. 

Who is Mariam Creighton as Albany State college volleyball player is shot dead, obituary, bio, age, height and family


As per a report in Daily Mail, The shooting took place at Elleven45 Lounge in north Atlanta. In an official statement released after the incident, the Atlanta Police Department (APD) stated, “Preliminary investigation indicates the shooting occurred during a physical dispute at the location that escalated to gunfire.”

Meanwhile, Creighton’s family told Michael Seiden of WSB-TV in Atlanta that she was out celebrating her niece’s birthday when the event happened.

The Golden Ram athletics community extended its sincere condolences to Mari’s friends, family, and teammates at this incredibly “difficult time.” The University Athletic Department wrote, “We are deeply saddened by the passing of one of our student-athletes, Mariam Creighton.” 


Who was Mariam Creighton?

Mariam Creighton was a college volleyball player for the  Albany State University who died aged 21 following a nightclub shooting. The young rising star was about to graduate from Albany State with a degree in biology after just one semester. She stood 5-6’ tall. The Stockbridge, GA native was a sophomore at Stockbridge High School.  

The 21-year-old, an accomplished volleyball player at Albany State University and Stockbridge High School, made sure her academic success went above and above her own expectations while always motivating her colleagues to do better on the court. However, the young player didn’t get enough time to showcase her abilities. 

Mariam Creighton’s family 

Not much has been disclosed about her family however, her sister was mourning following the unfortunate news. Telia Wheeler told the local station WALB News 10, “She was my baby before I had my own, I’m never going to forget her smile.” 
