Who is Indian student Chirag Antil as he’s shot dead in South Vancouver, Canada, biography, age and parents

Who is Indian student Chirag Antil as he’s shot dead in South Vancouver, Canada, biography, age and parents

In a heartbreaking incident in Canada, Chirag Antil who was a 24-year-old international student from India was discovered dead

International student Chirag Antil was shot dead in a car near an intersection of East 55th Avenue and Main Street in South Vancouver. Vancouver Police Department was informed by distressed local about this incident. They responded to reports of gunfire around 11 p.m. on Friday.

Who is Indian student Chirag Antil as he’s shot dead in South Vancouver, Canada, biography, age, hometown birth place and parents

24 year old Chirag Antil completed his MBA at the University Canada West recently. The young boy was excited to enjoy his weekend. All his plans were shattered when he got gunned down while sitting in his car in South Vancouver.

His parents live in Haryana’s Sonipat and the Indian student came to Vancouver in September 2022. He had just finished MBA at University Canada West, and got his work permit and his father, Mahavir Antil, said the family had high expectations from their son.


Vancouver Police Department arrived at the crime scene immediately and found the lifeless body of Chirag Antil. The circumstances surrounding the death of this Indian origin boy remain under investigation as authorities are still working to uncover the truth. His untimely demise has left a void in the hearts of those who knew him. Thoughts and condolences are pouring in for his loved ones.

After this tragic incident, Vancouver Police Department has urged people with information to come forward and assist them in their efforts to bring justice to Chirag’s grieving family.

Chirag Antil’s GoFundMe

Chirag Antil’s family has launched GoFundMe campaign for support and to bring his remains back to his native place in India. Romit Antil who is Chirag’s brother from Haryana, Sonipat, shared memories of his sibling. He described Chirag as a gentle soul who harboured no ill will towards anyone.


In their quest for closure, Chirag Antil’s family is asking authorities to provide them with the information regarding his tragic death. Romit revealed that the police is not responsive and they have left them feeling abandoned and uninformed about the circumstances surrounding his brother’s passing

The family is particularly distressed by the lack of transparency in the investigation and the absence of any footage that could shed light on what happened that fateful night.

His brother said, “We just want closure. We urge the Canadian government to expedite the process of repatriating my brother’s body so we can find some peace.”


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