Who is Indian dancer Amarnath Ghosh shot dead in St Louis Missouri, US, biography, age and parents

Who is Indian dancer Amarnath Ghosh shot dead in St Louis Missouri, US, biography, age and parents

In a tragic incident highlighting the safety concerns of Indians in the United States, Bharatnatyam and Kuchupudi dancer age 34 Amarnath Ghosh was fatally shot in St Louis, Missouri

The news of the demise of Amarnath Ghosh was brought to light by his friend and television actor Devoleena Bhattacharjee. Devoleena took to social media to urge the Indian Embassy and External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar to initiate a thorough investigation into the matter.

Who is Indian dancer Amarnath Ghosh shot dead in St Louis Missouri, US, biography, age, hometown birth place and parents

34-year-old Amarnath Ghosh was a talented Kuchipudi and Bharatnatyam dancer who was pursuing a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Dance at Washington University in St. Louis. He had previously completed his Diploma in Bharatnatyam from the prestigious Kalakshetra College of Fine Arts in Chennai.

The only child in the family, he lost his father at a very young age and lost his mother 3 years back. He was perusing his PHD in the US.


Amarnath Ghosh hailed from Kolkata and was an alumnus of the Kalakshetra College of Fine Arts. He used to stay at Subhas Pally locality of Suri town.

His dedication to his art had earned him accolades, including the Nritya Kanak Mani Saman awards from the International Dance and Music Festival in New Delhi and a National scholarship for Kuchipudi from the Ministry of Culture, Government of India.

The Indian Consulate in Chicago expressed deep condolences over Ghosh’s untimely demise and assured that they are closely following the case with forensic and police investigations. They have also extended support to Ghosh’s relatives during this difficult time. The Consulate General stated that they are vigorously pursuing the case with the St. Louis police and the university to ensure a thorough investigation into the reprehensible gun attack.


Ghosh’s tragic death adds to a series of unfortunate incidents involving Indian students in the US. In the first two months of 2024 alone, five Indian students lost their lives in separate incidents. Among them was 41-year-old Vivek Taneja who succumbed to assault injuries in Washington. Another student, Vivek Saini was brutally attacked and killed by a homeless drug addict in Georgia shortly after earning his MBA degree.

The recent string of incidents has raised concerns about the safety of Indian students and professionals in the US. The Indian Consulate’s prompt action in Ghosh’s case reflects a growing demand for stronger safety measures and swift justice for victims of violence.

In response to these incidents, the Indian government and various Indian associations in the US have been working to address safety concerns. They have been providing assistance to affected families and advocating for increased security measures for the Indian community.

Recent attacks on Indian students

In February 2024, Indian student Syed Mazahir Ali was brutally attacked in Chicago. The Indian Consulate in Chicago has been in touch with Ali and his wife in India, offering support and assistance. Additionally, last year, 23-year-old Jaahnavi Kandula from Andhra Pradesh was fatally struck by a speeding police patrol vehicle in Seattle.


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