Who Is Hadi Matar Lebanon Muslim Who Stabbed Author Salman Rushdie After Fatwa On Him By Iran For Satanic Verses, Biography, Age, Religion, Nationality, Photo

Who Is Hadi Matar Lebanon Muslim Who Stabbed Author Salman Rushdie After Fatwa On Him By Iran For Satanic Verses, Biography, Age, Religion, Nationality, Photo

The NYPD revealed the identity of a suspect as Hadi Matar who attacked novelist Salman Rushdie on Friday, know his age, biography, religion and ethnicity

The 24-year-old Matar is from Fairview, New Jersey. He sent a wave of shock throughout the entire world when he repeatedly stabbed the ‘Satanic Verses’ author on Friday, Aug 12 at a public speaking event at Chautauqua Institution.

Who Is Hadi Matar Lebanon Muslim Who Stabbed Author Salman Rushdie After Fatwa On Him By Iran For Satanic Verses, Biography, Age, Family, Religion, Nationality, Photo


According to the NYPD, the author was stabbed “at least once in the neck and at least once in the abdomen”. The 75-year-old novelist was then rushed to a nearby local hospital where he remained in surgery.

While the attacker was taken away into the custody by New York State Police.

Who’s Hadi Matar?

The Golden House fame writer, Salman Rushdie was repeatedly stabbed by a man on Friday. Later, the police identified him as a 24-year-old Hadi Matar from New Jersey.

Authorities are still looking into his nationality and other criminal records, if any. In a media interaction, a New York Police Officer, Maj. Eugene J. Staniszewski, told NBC News that a preliminary review of Hadi’s social media revealed that he had “sympathies for Shia extremism and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC”.

The youngster reportedly had a pass to attend the lecture where the British-American novelist was scheduled to speak. The authorities are still looking into the matter and trying to find out the motive behind his attack as they believed Matar acted alone in this incident and he had no accomplices.

The FBI is also helping the NYPD in the investigation of the case. The authorities had requested the judge to issue a search warrant to look into Matar’s electronic devices.


As per the police official, Matar’s criminal charges for the attack are yet to be decided and will be based on the author’s condition.

Speaking of Rushdie, his 1980s book, ‘The Satanic Verses’ has been the centre of controversy since the release. This book is banned in Iran and several other islamic nations.

This book has sparked several riots in Britain where 45 people were killed. In the year 1989 Iran’s ten leaders had issued a fatwa against Rushdie. He called for the novelist’s death and placed a bounty of $3 million.

Due to several death threats and subsequent increase in bounty, the novelist had to go into hiding under a British government protection program. 9-years later, he gradually began to appear in public and finally moved to the United States in 2000.

Since his return, he has continued to be vocal against religious extremism. However the precise reason for the attack on the novelist is still being investigated.

Yet the authorities believe that Matar had sympathies towards the fatwa released by the Iranian government.

According to a report published by NBC News, the youngster has made several public posts in support of Iran and in support of Shia extremism.


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