Who is Denton Loudermill of Olathe wrong accused as Kansas City Chiefs parade shooter

Who is Denton Loudermill of Olathe wrong accused as Kansas City Chiefs parade shooter

A resident of Olath, Denton Loudermill is seeking to vindicate himself following the circulation of viral images depicting his detainment in the aftermath of the Kansas City Chiefs parade shooting on Wednesday

Online posts featuring these photos have disseminated with misleading captions erroneously identifying the individual as one of the assailants. However, this is a mistaken association.

Who is Denton Loudermill of Olathe falsely accused as Kansas City Chiefs parade shooter

The person depicted in the images is Denton Loudermill, an Olathe native, a devoted father of three daughters, and an enthusiastic Chiefs fan. He is not involved in any act of mass shooting.

“I want to emphatically state that I am completely innocent and had no involvement in any wrongdoing,” Loudermill declared on Saturday, flanked by his legal representative and family. “I was simply enjoying myself, much like everyone else.”


What Did Attorney Saunders Reveal?

LaRonna Lassiter Saunders, an attorney and advocate for justice, is actively working on his case. She explained that he was apprehended on the grounds of being intoxicated and failing to vacate the crime scene.

“Mr. Denton may have consumed several drinks, but so did around half a million other individuals, including some of the Chiefs players. Enjoying drinks is not a criminal act, and it certainly does not equate to being a mass shooter,” asserted Lassiter Saunders.


She mentioned that authorities eventually released him without issuing a citation or making an official arrest. However, the online narrative has portrayed a contrasting story, putting his life at risk.

“He has been threatened with death over a falsehood, over misinformation,” she expressed. “He is innocent; he did not engage in any wrongdoing or commit a crime. So, please, spread the truth. Help us rectify his reputation. Help us safeguard his life.”

False claims circulating on the internet have also labeled him as a “44-year-old illegal immigrant named Sahil Omar.” Several reports noted that similar inaccurate information has been used in previous incidents, such as the January explosion in Fort Worth and a December shooting in Las Vegas.

When asked about potential legal action, they stated that their primary focus currently is correcting the false narrative to ensure the safety of him and his family.


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