Who is badminton player Anmol Kharb, biography, age, parents, school, coach, birth place

Who is badminton player Anmol Kharb, biography, age, parents, school, coach, birth place

Here is all you need to know about Anmol Kharb, including her age, career, records and more as the Indian badminton player crowned national championย 

At the 85th Senior National Badminton Championships in Guwahati on Sunday, Anmol Kharb, a teenage player, won the women’s singles national championship with an impressive display.

Who is badminton player Anmol Kharb, biography, age, parents, school, coach, birth place hometown

She defeated Tanvi Sharma of Punjab 15-21, 21-17, 16-8 in a match that lasted over an hour. Kharb, the nation’s top-ranked shuttler in the U17 and U19 divisions, seemed unconcerned even after Sharma won the opening game.

Sharma dropped out of the decider to give the title to Kharb, complaining about injuries to the match officials even as she trailed 8-16. Anmil was in the final after defeating Ashmita Chaliha, the second seed, in the semifinal.


Who is Anmol Kharb?

Anmol Kharb is a teenage women’s singles badminton player from Haryana, India. She is just 16 years old and her idol is Saina Nehwal.

Anmol’s brother was the reason why she got into the sport. The teenager from Haryana attended Dayanand Public School in Faridabad as a player before beginning her training at Sunrise Shuttlers Academy in Noida. Her brother used to take her to the badminton court.

At the 2019 Sub-Junior Nationals in Bhagalpur, the young player advanced to the U-13 quarterfinals before falling to Unnati Hooda. Kharb advanced to the U-17 Sub-junior Nationals final in Bhubaneswar last year, in addition to finishing in the semi-finals of the U-19 Junior Nationals held at the same location.


Her first U-17 All India Ranking victory in Hyderabad and a semi-final showing in the Senior All India Ranking tournament in Visakhapatnam were also highlights of the year.

Along with winning the U-17 title at the Sub-Junior Nationals in Hyderabad this year, the young athlete advanced to the pre-quarterfinals of the Asian Junior Championships in Indonesia.

Who are the parents of Anmol Kharb?

Anmol Kharb’s father is Devender Singh who is an advocate in Faridabad. Her mother’s name is Rajbala Kharb. She also has an elder brother named Hardik. He was the early inspiration for Anmol who motivated her get into the game, a report inย The Indian Expressย suggests.

Who is Anmol Kharb’s coach?

As per what she told toย The Indian Express,ย Anmol trains under Kusumm Singh at the Sunrise Shuttlers Academy.
