Who are Monika and Piotr Czarnecka couple who cheated during London Marathon

Who are Monika and Piotr Czarnecka couple who cheated during London Marathon

Monica and Piotr Czarnecka were found to be wearing identical registration numbers (11,250) during the London Marathon in 2021, here is all you need to know about the couple 

When a married couple was only allotted one spot in the fiercely competitive London Marathon, they took matters into their own hands and came up with a plan that, somehow, worked.

Monika and Piotr Czarnecka, a married couple, were caught cheating at the London Marathon and were forced to apologise.

Who are Monika and Piotr Czarnecka couple who cheated during London Marathon 2021

The two successfully finished the 26.2-mile circuit around the English metropolis in October 2021, finishing in a pace of four hours, 40 minutes, and 58 seconds and placing 21,697 out of 80,000 competitors.

Who are Monica Czarnecka and Piotr Czarnecka?

Monica, 41, and her husband Piotr, 42, caused quite a fuss when they were spotted running the 2021 London Marathon with the same registration number (11,250). The couple is from Amersham in Buckinghamshire.


Following an investigation by the organisers, it was discovered that Piotr had cloned his wife’s number after failing to receive a spot through the ballot.

As per DailyMail, Monica said:

I’m truly sorry for what we’ve done and didn’t want to cause any harm. The supporters were amazing, and their cheering and clapping helped me finish the marathon and it hurts to think that I’ve let them down.”

Only Monica was authorised to participate in the marathon, according to the investigation, and Piotr had replicated the regulations so he could assist Monica by running alongside her.

Piotr asserted that he was unable to take part in the marathon since he did not make the vote.


He said:

It was all my idea and I take full responsibility for it. I know it’s wrong and I’m truly sorry, but I did what I did to support my wife.”

Competition participants were given registration numbers in advance, giving Piotr enough time to copy the 11250 number.

Piotr also asserted that he was not given a medal and that he had previously run two marathons in a lot shorter time.

The couple had angered social media followers by cheating.
