What is the viral coin boys story as it goes viral on Reddit and Twitter

What is the viral coin boys story as it goes viral on Reddit and Twitter

Numerous passing social media phenomena have emerged in recent years, most of them originated on TikTok or Twitter with the coin boys story viral on Reddit

This time, though, it is Reddit that has launched its own trend. The ‘coin boys’ movement, a simple fad in which guys make decisions by flipping a coin, is making waves on social media and in the real world. Redditors became aware of the trend after reading a tale on the r/teachers forum in which a Redditor/teacher who has been working in the sector for ten years bemoans the advent of the ‘coin guys’, a group of teenagers who purportedly base their entire personality on flipping quarters.

What is the viral coin boys story as it goes viral on Reddit, TikTok, Twitter

The tendency was originally reported on Reddit on July 28, 2023, in the r/teachers subreddit by Reddit user u/LuciusDickusMaximus. The post was labelled “Classroom Management and Strategies” and received more than 11.6k likes. According to the user, there was always some new thing that kids made famous in school during his ten years of teaching freshmen pupils. According to the user:

The user went on to say that many boys base their entire personality on the flip of a coin. During an icebreaker session, he claimed that four or five kids stated versions of “I live by the coin and die by the coin” as their truth.


Every year these kids come back with a new annoying quirk… “coin boys” are apparently the new thing
by u/LuciusDickusMaximus in Teachers

The article gave two other examples of boys making entire academic decisions based on a coin flip. In one example, a certain boy declared that he would only perform the first assignment of the year if the coin landed on heads, which it did, fortunately for the teacher. However, another boy’s flip fell on tails, which indicated he refused to complete the assignment and received a 0 and a call to his family.


The Reddit member hoped that the movement was only a fad that would pass quickly. Some Redditors gave the teacher advice on how to deal with the “coin boys,” while others were quick to think of methods to prevent the trend before it got popular in their different regions.


The internet has declared its entire support for the ‘coin boys.’

Although several people admitted to contributing to the coin boy antics for amusement, there is no indication that this was an internet phenomenon or a meme prior to the Reddit post. To the teacher’s dismay, the post went viral, and people are now quite interested in the whole coin boys notion.

