What is the Taopatch sport nano technology on Novak Djokovic chest, how to use and side effects

What is the Taopatch sport nano technology on Novak Djokovic chest, how to use and side effects

Tennis fans noticed Novak Djokovic carrying a device on his chest in recent tournaments, have a look at the Serbian’s chest patch called Taopatch, its side effects and how to use

Tennis enthusiasts who have been following Novak Djokovic recently may have witnessed him sporting an odd appliance on his chest as he changes shirts mid-match.

What is the Taopatch sport nano technology on Novak Djokovic chest, how to use it and side effects 

Since winning his record-tying 23rd grand slam men’s singles victory at the 2023 French Open in June, Djokovic has been seen wearing the chest patch. The Serbian star said the TaoPatch device, which he called the “biggest secret of his career,” utilized nanotechnology to enhance his performance at the time.

He also made joke of the fact that the gadget allowed him to imitate Iron Man, who was depicted by Robert Downey Jr. in the 2008 movie of the same name and who had an arc reactor implanted in his chest.

Djokovic told the reporter at Roland Garros:

When I was a child I really liked Iron Man, so I try to impersonate him. You must know that my team gives me incredibly efficient microtechnology to help me perform at my best on the pitch. So this is the biggest secret of my career.”

What is Novak Djokovic’s TaoPatch?

The TaoPatch, manufactured by the Italian company Tao Technologies, is the item Djokovic sports on his chest. It’s unclear if he’s a paid spokesperson or just a regular customer of the product. According to the Tao Technology English website, the TaoPatch:

Contains layers of nanocrystals, which capture your body heat and convert it into impulses of very weak light, which is then emitted onto the specific points on your body.” The device is purported to “stimulate” users’ central nervous system, “enhancing its communication with the rest of your body.”

The TaoPatch claims to offer a number of advantages, including “improving posture, balance and flexibility, to boosting athletic performance and focus, and reducing stress, anxiety and chronic pain.”


On its website, Tao Technology provides a variety of models, including Start, Pro, Platinum, and Emotion. In order to obtain FDA approval, the business’ retail website is currently working on it.

Taopatch is a nanotechnology device that combines, light therapy and acupuncture and contains nanocrystals that convert heat from your body into light (it actually glows in the dark). This light is sent into specific acupuncture points on your body, which helps your body “remember” how to naturally communicate with the rest of the body which leads to lots of health benefits, from better balance and posture to better sleep, focus, athletic performance, pain relief and more.


The patches are to be attached on specific points on your body with regular medical tape or custom hypoallergenic adhesives and the heat from your body is converted into light of specific therapeutic frequencies, which are similar to the frequencies of photons your nervous system uses to communicate with the rest of your body.

In the past, Djokovic has come under fire for endorsing health fads and pseudosciences. His objection to the COVID-19 vaccine is one of the most noteworthy of these. He missed numerous important ATP events in 2022 as a result of his reluctance to receive the vaccination, including the Australian and U.S. Open grand slams.

Why is Novak Djokovic allowed to wear TaoPatches?

According to a Forbes article, representatives from the French Open and ATP reportedly declined to comment on the legality of the TaoPatch. Djokovic’s most recent use of the tool occurred at Wimbledon, showing that officials there do not believe it provides an undue advantage.


The usage of a battery within a player’s racket is among the technological practises that the ATP’s 2022 regulation specifically forbids since it could provide that player an unfair advantage. As per ATP a battery is “prohibited because it is an energy source, as are solar cells and other similar devices.”

According to a June 1 tweet from TaoPatch.com, the device “is activated by sunlight and body heat.” TaoPatch provides evidence for its claims by quoting a study from the peer-reviewed journal Minerva Medica, which only discusses preliminary results.

