In an unexpected turn of events, renowned YouTuber Yousef “Fousey” found himself embroiled in controversy after unintentionally using a racial slur on a Twitch livestream with his n word video viral
The incident transpired during his subathon while singing along to J. Cole’s “Love Yourz.” Here is more you need to know about the incident.
Video of YouTuber Fousey using the n word racial slur on live stream goes viral on Twitter
As the racial slur slipped, Fousey was quick to apologize to his audience. Stating it was unintentional and pleading with viewers not to misconstrue the event, he said, “Before you see the clip on social media and take it out of context, please find the full clip. I could not be more ashamed or upset with myself.”
Fousey accidentally drops the n word. #DramaAlert
— DramaAlert (@DramaAlert) August 1, 2023
A subsequent tweet from Fousey reiterated his remorse, underscoring that the incident does not reflect his character. Just a fortnight ago, he had voiced his opposition to the use of the derogatory term. He promised his fans to be more cautious in the future.
Fousey hits back to protect himself “F*ck! I never use that word, I swear to f*cking god this isn’t content. I never use that f*cking word. I’ve listened to rap songs every day on this subathon and I always change it out for brother.”
Mixed reactions on Fousey from netizens
Twitter saw an outpouring of varied reactions. While many rallied behind the YouTuber, citing his past record and believing his apology to be genuine, others were skeptical. Accusations of seeking to dodge “cancel culture” and questions about the sincerity of his remorse surfaced. Some argued that singing along to a song is not an excuse for using racially offensive language.
Twitch’s stand on racial slurs
Racial slurs violate Twitch’s terms of service, and offenders often face bans. In 2022, major names like HasanAbi faced bans for using derogatory language. However, it remains to be seen if Fousey, who’s been steadfastly streaming for a subathon, will face any repercussions. He recently celebrated surpassing 30K subscribers.
Fousey is an undeterred sFFFFpirit
Despite the setback, Fousey remains undeterred. He continues with his live streams and is slated to broadcast from Chicago on the 32nd day of his subathon. While the incident served as a stern reminder of the power and responsibility of influence, it’s evident that the journey, for Fousey, is far from over.
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