Watch video of YouTuber Ex-Muslim Sameer aka Siddharth Chaturvedi burning the Quran goes viral

Watch video of YouTuber Ex-Muslim Sameer aka Siddharth Chaturvedi burning the Quran goes viral

On Tuesday, the Haridwar and Uttarakhand police departments declared that there had been no destruction of the holy Quran in Haridwar by Youtuber Ex-Muslim Sameer despite a video of him going viral

Haridwar and Uttarakhand police departments revealed that the YouTuber who had uploaded a video showing him burning and trampling on the Islamic holy book had not been residing in Haridwar or the Padli Gurjar hamlet in Roorkee.

Video of YouTuber Ex-Muslim Sameer aka Siddharth Chaturvedi burning the Quran goes viral

The declaration was made in response to the fury that followed a rumoured video purportedly showing the YouTuber known on social media as Ex-Muslim Sameer burning and tearing pages from the Quran and acting disrespectfully towards it.

After the video of Youtuber Sameer went popular on social media, several viewers became enraged and urged that the Uttarakhand Police take action against the YouTuber because they thought he lived in the state.

The YouTuber identifies himself as a former Muslim and has amassed over 2,08,000 subscribers and according to him, he has changed his name to Siddharth Chaturvedi.


The YouTuber “ex-Muslim Sameer” is well-known for his anti-Muslim and Islamophobic remarks. He is frequently seen on right-wing news programmes “debating” with Muslim leaders.

Social media went wild when this openly atheist destroyed the holy Quran, which is the foundational work of Islam and is regarded by Muslims as a divine revelation.


The man, identifying himself as a “ex-Muslim,” is allegedly shown stepping on the holy book, tearing its pages, and setting it on fire in an offensive video that was posted to YouTube.

“In the referred case, Ex Muslim Sameer has not been living in a place called ‘Padli Gurjar’ for the past approximately three years, and there has been no incident of desecration of the holy Quran anywhere in the Haridwar district,” Haridwar Police mentioned in a post on X.

However, the authorities have requested that people refrain from sharing any such offensive recordings while they look into the situation.

Who is Ex-Muslim Sameer?

The YouTuber Ex-Muslim Sameer who used to be a Muslim, claims to have over 2,08,000 subscribers on YouTube. He claims that Siddharth Chaturvedi is now his new name. He identifies himself as a “free thinker,” “sanatani,” “ex-Muslim,” and “humanist” in his Instagram bio.

Ex-Muslim Sameer keeps on facing backlash from netizens for his controversial statements and acts.


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