Watch fans in Steph Curry and Tom Brady jerseys fight during Warriors vs Kings, video goes viral

Watch fans in Steph Curry and Tom Brady jerseys fight during Warriors vs Kings, video goes viral

Violent altercation at an NBA game between men wearing Steph Curry and Tom Brady jersey, have a look at the viral video of the Kings vs Warriors fan fight video

Basketball may be one of the most spectacular sports in the world, but even the most ardent NBA fan would have been distracted by the jaw-dropping brawl in the stands.

A weird altercation erupted between a fan wearing a Steph Curry jersey and a man wearing a Tom Brady jersey during an NBA game.

At the Chase Centre, the Golden State Warriors narrowly defeated the Sacramento Kings to tie the play-off series.

Even though the Warriors scored less points than the Kings in three of the four quarters, they still managed to win by a decisive 126-125 margin.

Fans in Steph Curry and Tom Brady jerseys fight during Warriors vs Kings, brawl video goes viral

The brawl among the audience was even more incredible than the magnificent drama that was taking place on the court.


A dozen Warriors and other fans got into a vicious altercation, as shown in heart-stopping video shot by someone else in the midst of the violence.

The altercation seems to have started when three Warriors supporters, including one sporting a blue vest with Curry’s name on the back and another sporting a Brady jersey, got into an altercation with several rivals supporters in the row next to them.

Both parties immediately engaged in verbal sparring. The Brady shirt-wearing fan was struck with a powerful right hook by a Kings supporter who had emerged out of nowhere and was marching down the stairs.

The Brady shirt-wearing man parried the initial hit, which knocked the opposing fan over a seat in the row below.

Additionally, the person holding the Curry shirt pushed one Kings’ supporter into another and down the stairs.


But the nearly cartoonish incidents had only just begun. There were people flying everywhere with punches and elbows flying like in a Tom and Jerry fight scene.

Curry and Brady supporters were definitely angered by whatever was said since they both appeared prepared to pick a fight with everyone.

As would be expected, there were no rules or NBA stand-fighting protocol in place, and as spectators descended the stairs, they shoved, punched, and kicked one another.

A fan of the Warriors grabbed a King’s supporter who was stretched out across many chairs and yanked his braids as hard as he could, making the King’s fan quite angry.

If anything can be said about it, the violent unrest within the crowd will likely be the closest thing to a Curry and Brady pairing that we will ever see.
