Watch Clippers Superfan Clipper Darrell Gets Knocked Out By Security, Sucker Punch Video Goes Viral

Watch Clippers Superfan Clipper Darrell Gets Knocked Out By Security, Sucker Punch Video Goes Viral

Clipper Darrell is knocked to the ground by security as he tries to leave the game with the sucker punch video viral 

The Clippers will never be successful because of this. The only famous fan Los Angeles Clippers have is Clipper Darrell, and he is treated in this way. He is definitely going to sue them for their entire value.

Clippers Superfan Clipper Darrell Gets Knocked Out By Security, Sucker Punch Fight Video Goes Viral

The most well-known L.A. Clippers fan, Clipper Darrell, was unconscious when a fight broke out at a game on Monday. A new video that TMZ Sports has received, shows Darrell getting knocked out by a security guard. The video features Darrell, real name Darrell Bailey, wearing his renowned half-red, half-blue outfit. after the Clippers’ game against the Boston Celtics, standing next to a security guard at Arena.


The man in the red polo appears to be blocking Clipper Darrell from passing through a concourse inside the NBA arena as the two looks to be engaged in some type of confrontation. The man can be seen in the video placing his elbow close to Darrell’s neck at one point in an apparent attempt to stop Darrell from moving forward. The video then shows Darrell swiping at the man’s arm to remove it.

At that point, the man in the red balled up his fist and swung at Clipper Darrell, hitting the superfan square in the jaw. Darrell slammed into a neighbouring garbage can and seemed to go unconscious.


Official statement from the president of Arena

Lee Zeidman, the president of Arena, tells us… The security guard attempted to direct Darrell and other departing spectators to nearby exits when the altercation began. Clipper Darrell got into a verbal and eventually physical altercation, according to Zeidman. “After getting emergency care, Darryl was sent to a local hospital for more assessment and treatment.”

The employee was immediately terminated and taken into custody by the Los Angles Police Department after an inquiry into the incident revealed that his or her actions were a clear violation of our policies and allowed procedures.



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