Video of Blake Hiligh and Zachary Pilarcek of University of Buffalo belt-beating a dog goes viral

Video of Blake Hiligh and Zachary Pilarcek of University of Buffalo belt-beating a dog goes viral

The video of Blake Hiligh and Zachary Pilarcek beating a dog has gone viral

Two University of Buffalo football players have been accused of animal mistreatment after being seen on camera allegedly striking a 4-year-old miniature Poodle with a leather belt earlier this month, according to the prosecution.

Video of Blake Hiligh and Zachary Pilarcek of University of Buffalo players belt-beating a dog goes viral


Charges of animal abuse brought against UB football players.

The Erie County District Attorney’s Office reports that the event took place on June 13 at about 9 PM inside an apartment in Amherst, New York. A cornerback named Blake Hiligh, 19, and a tight end named Zachary Pilarcek, 20, are accused by authorities of repeatedly hitting the dog in an apparent effort to train it. According to the prosecution, the two later posted the video on social media.

According to the prosecution, they charged both individuals with one misdemeanour count of driving too fast, abusing, and harming animals on June 14. The poodle, named Kobe, was reportedly taken into custody and sent to a nearby Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, where it was treated for cuts and bruises.

The bigger picture

When Hiligh and Pilarcek were arraigned on Thursday, they both showed up in court and entered not-guilty pleas. Hiligh’s counsel said to a gathering of reporters after the hearings, “My client regrets the actions.” The attorney said, “We adore our pets. We adore our animals. They do frustrate us at times. We do discipline them occasionally. I don’t think it was done in a harsh way.”


The allegations led to the dismissal of Hiligh and Pilarcek from the UB football squad. “The UB football programme has zero tolerance for this type of behaviour. At UB, we not only expect our student-athletes to succeed in the classroom and on the playing field but also that they will be model neighbours,” UB head coach Maurice Linguist said. As soon as he learned about this occurrence, he immediately banned the two young men from all team activities. Moreover, earlier this month, he permanently terminated their participation in the programme.

Hiligh, who participated in five games for the Bulls last season, is scheduled to return to court in early August for a new hearing on the matter. Pilarcek’s subsequent court appearance is scheduled for late July.
