Under the Oak Tree chapter 113 release date, time, spoilers and where to read online

Under the Oak Tree chapter 113 release date, time, spoilers and where to read online

Chapter 113 of the famous romantic and historical manhwa Under the Oak Tree will be out soon, know its release date and spoilers here

In the previous chapter, we saw that Duke had dispatched the messenger to the Basilica. Three hundred of the best Livadon knights will accompany Riftan to the war. The duke asked why he wanted her wife to be accommodated in the monastery instead of the palace. Riftan replied that he does not want her embroiled in the politics. If you are also following the manga Under the Oak Tree and are excited about chapter 113, we have got you covered here.

Under the Oak Tree chapter 113 release date, time, leaks, spoilers and where to read online

Riftan also does not want people with treacherous intentions to approach Maxi. The duke then agreed and asked the high priest to see her welfare. He inquired if there was any particular reason he brought Maxi with her as the journey to Anatol is not easy either. One of the knights explained that Maxi is a talented healer. They had already sent their mage with Remdragon’s first party. 


So, Maxi accompanies them on their journey. The grand duke introduced the high priest to Maxi and Riftan asked him to take care of her. The preparations for the journey were complete so Riftan began to leave. However, before leaving, he dragged Maxi under the tree and gave her a copper coin.

Under the Oak Tree Chapter 113 release date

Fans will be happy to know that the release date of the romantic manhwa Under the Oak Tree Chapter 113 is December 29, 2024. You can read the chapter at the given times:

  • Pacific Time: 11:30 AM PT
  • Mountain Time: 9:30 AM
  • Central Time: 11:30 AM CT
  • Eastern Time: 11:30 AM ET
  • Greenwich Mean Time: 4:30 PM
  • British Summer Time: 4:30 PM
  • Central Daylight Time: 09:30 AM 

Where to read Under the Oak Tree Chapter 113?

The raw scan of Under the Oak Tree Chapter 113 will be out by December 28, 2024. Riftan got that coin as payment after his first successful commission as a mercenary. He was told to keep it as it brings luck so he gave it to Maxi. He now no longer needs luck and he would feel more at ease if she had it. Fans can read  Under the Oak Tree Chapter 113 on Ridibooks.

Under the Oak Tree by Suji Kim—anyone read?
byu/mimikth infantasyromance


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