Top Five Best WWE Matches Of The Decade Ranked

Top Five Best WWE Matches Of The Decade Ranked

Tons of WWE Matches happen every year but only some remain in our memory forever. The Sports Grail presents to you the best WWE matches of the decade.

While 2002 was the year WWE saw Steve Austin leave and The Rock take his first steps into becoming a Hollywood star, it was also the year we saw future legends like John Cena, Randy Orton and Batista debut.

Following Are The Best WWE Matches Of The 2000s Decade

1. Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio and Edge (No Mercy)

The winners of this match were to be crowned as the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions. As unlikely as both the teams were, their performances were just as phenomenal. The match saw some great mat wrestling full of finishers and tag team moves. This war continued to showcase many more good matches after Angle made Edge tap out for the win.

2. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels (Summerslam)

A collision between The Heartbreak Kid and The King of Kings can never disappoint a WWE fan. This match was one of the best comebacks ever with Michaels returning after 4 passive years to deliver some back and forth action with his then former best friend Triple H. Michaels would take the win after reversing a Pedigree into a bridging pin.

They would feud for the world title later that year.

3. The Rock vs. The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle (Vengeance)


Without a doubt, these three names scream ‘Power’ regardless of the era in which one was a WWE fan. This match had some crazy moments including The Rock hitting The Undertaker with a Chokeslam, Rock using Angle`s Anklelock until Angle reversed it and Angle hitting a Rock Bottom.

The three titans would go at it in an epic main event which would see The Rock win his final WWE title for 11 years.

ALSO READ: Best WWE Matches of 2001 Ranked


4. The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan (Wrestlemania X8)

Hulk Hogan was originally supposed to battle Steve Austin, but luckily fans got to see an awesome match anyhow. Many WWE superstars like The Hardy Boyz and Shane Helms have described this match as their favorite Wrestlemania moment ever. The emotion and drama surrounding this match was crazy, starting with the incredible stare down at the beginning.

The Rock would eventually put Hogan away with two Rock Bottoms and a People’s Elbow.

5. Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam (Smackdown – 27th May)


This match was a culmination of RVD and Eddie’s two-month rivalry. Eddie had returned to WWE after a whole year and had immediately set his eyes on the Intercontinental title. The match was all beautiful vintage moves and breathtaking ladder spots. There was also a hilarious moment when a fan jumped in the ring and pushed Eddie off a ladder, leading Eddie to punch him out.

RVD would win the match to take home the IC title for a second time.

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