The Kerala Story Movie Release Date, Star Cast List, Actress, Real Plot Story, Director, Producer, Teaser

The Kerala Story Movie Release Date, Star Cast List, Actress, Real Plot Story, Director, Producer, Teaser

The film, which isย  produced by Vipul Amrutlal Shah and directed by Sudipto Sen, tells the harrowing tales of 32,000 Keralan women who were radicalised and joined ISIS, know about the release date, cast and real story

The teaser for the upcoming movie “The Kerala Story” was released on November 3, 2022.

The Kerala Story Movie Release Date, Star Cast List, Actress, Real Plot Story, Director, Producer And Teaser

The Kerala Story stars actress Adah Sharma in the lead role and she will be seen playing the character named Sheetal Unnikrishan in the movie. The release date is yet not known.

The devastating and gut-wrenching tales of 32000 Keralan women who were radicalised to join the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) terrorist ranks are told in the film produced by Vipul Amrutlal Shah and directed by Sudipto Sen. It is noteworthy that a significant portion of the Muslim ladies from Kerala who have joined ISIS was converted with the intention of joining the terrorist group ISIS.

The suffering of 32000 such converted Muslim women from Kerala who were transferred to ISIS as terrorists only to be buried in the deserts of Yemen and Syria is described in the book “The Kerala Story.” In Kerala, a terrifying game of transforming a typical girl into an ISIS terrorist has been performed for a while. This trafficking of girls to the Gulf is caused by growing radicalism in the southern state as a result of the actions of Islamist groups like the Popular Front of India and its affiliated organisations.


The movie’s creators offer an accurate and impartial portrayal.

The teaser for “The Kerala Story,” which promises to be a totally genuine, unbiased, and true account of events that rocked Kerala, is direct and compelling. While most people would shy away from the subject, producer Vipul Amrutlal Shah was enthusiastic about bringing this grisly tale to the big screen, and he did so after four years of in-depth research. Director Sudipto Sen travelled to the area, including some Arab countries, spoke to locals and the victims’ families, and was shocked by what he observed.

Islamists have targeted Kerala since 2009.

A new analysis estimates that since 2009, 32,000 female members of the Hindu and Christian faiths in Kerala and Mangalore have converted to Islam. Most of these girls eventually end up in Afghanistan, Syria, and other countries with significant ISIS and Haqqani presence. The truth about this scheme and the pain of these women will be revealed in the film.

Despite the fact that the conversions began in 2009, ISIS involvement in Kerala was only discovered in 2013. ISIS started a presence in Kerala as early as 2014, with educational materials promoting religious conversions and recruiting professionals to join its forces in Afghanistan and Syria. Many men and women from Kerala are rumoured to have recently joined the ISKP (Islamic State of Khorasan Province). The Indian state of Kerala is home to a sizable number of ISIS terrorists, the United Nations warned in its 2020 terrorism assessment.

Additionally, a charge sheet submitted by the National Investigation Agency in July 2020 in connection with the murder of Special Sub Inspector Wilson showed a strong connection between ISIS terrorists present and expanding in the state. Cases of IS running recruitment centres in Kerala are now under investigation by the NIA. In recent years, a number of non-Muslim women have also been radicalised, converted, and sent to fight for the Islamic State in Syria and Afghanistan.

Radicalising and converting women in Kerala

The problem of Kerala women being converted and recruited by ISIS garnered extra significant attention in 2016 after Mini Vijayan, a military official, stated that her daughter Aparna had been forcibly converted to Islam. Aparna was connected to Sathyasarani, also known as the Markazul Hidaya Educational and Charitable Trust with headquarters in Malappuram. Sumayya was with her when she arrived at the courts. Aparna told the authorities that she had become a Muslim and did not wish to reunite with her mother. As a B. Tech. student, Aparna vanished from her Kochi dorm, and she later wed Malappuram-born auto driver Aashiq.

These incidents have been recorded in a number of places. Two Hindu ladies with the names Athira and Akhila (who later changed their names to Hadiya) had been seduced by Sainaba, a PFI member, when the NIA started looking into the Love Jihad and ISIS connection cases in 2017.


The relationship to Malappuram

All of these women were found to be connected to the Sathyasarani Trust or Markazul Hidaya in Malappuram. According to the NIA, which testified in court, Hadiya’s conversion and marriage to Shafeen Jahan were not unrelated incidents but rather the outcome of a deliberate operation by Sathyasarani and PFI. The founder of PFI admitted on camera that their ultimate goal is to turn India into an Islamic state, according to a sting operation against Sathyasarani and PFI. Also disclosed was the fact that the NIA had obtained the investigative report.

The common thread connecting these conversions and “education” appears to be the Malappuram-based Sathyasarani Trust, also known as Markazul Hidaya and run by PFI. Aparna, Hadiya (Akhila), and the female recruits to ISIS were all affiliated with this centre. During an investigation, law enforcement agents discovered the records of 70 Hindu and Christian girls who converted. The trust claimed that the girls were there to learn religion.

This is merely the top of the iceberg.

There are numerous institutions, Sathyasarani being only one. Supporters of the group continue to disavow any ties to radical or terrorist organisations. Many of these amenities are in use in Kerala. 95% of these brainwashing facilities rely mostly on literature from Zakir Naik’s Islamic Research Foundation. Many female converts have also expressed how fascinated they were by Naik’s talks. Government figures claim that 5,975 people in the state converted to Islam between 2011 and 2015. In 2015, 1,410 persons converted alone. Unbelievably, 76 percent of the new converts are women under 35.

What is the primary legal challenge?

This strikingly resembles instances of forced conversion in Pakistan’s Sindh. The main distinction is that the victims are now adults as a result of India’s stringent laws against underage marriage. Because the girl and her Muslim husband are protected by the law for behaving of their own free choice, the cases simply get dismissed or stall as a result, creating extra problems for the family members and police. Without the girl’s explicit confession, the family and authorities are unable to demonstrate pressure or brainwashing.

An Overview of Kerala’s Story

Kerala has a stronghold of radical Islam. The sheer number of recruiting, conversion, and radicalization facilities in operation is still far from catching the attention of or bringing the subject to the notice of the national media. But there is no denying that it is a very serious issue. Using women as tools and weapons, whether through sex slavery or recruitment for terrorism, is no longer a taboo in the post-ISIS world.

The state and federal governments must treat it seriously and come up with workable solutions to address the issue. There is optimism that this important subject will become more prominent now that the movie “The Kerala Story” is ready to be released.



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